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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Tristan Bexton

Enjoyed this video, especially the overhead views. I have a few questions – what do you think makes the difference in clubface closure for different people? Anatomical range, body turn through the impact or something else altogether?

The other question I’ve always had is how the heck so many great golfers actually play with a 2 knuckle grip and square face and are able to hit draws a good distance. I wonder if there is a different way to release the club. I realize this is outside the scope of your teachings but any insights would be appreciated!

Shawn Clement

Hey Tristan! This is all anatomy of the individual and when they actually learned the game which is why golf is the perfect sport as you can adopt any grip provided it fits you. And this release you talk about with 2 knuckles and even one for several of the guys on tour is exactly in my wheelhouse as the release you see Bryson and Matt Wolf perform is the very same release as I profess in all the release videos in here such as “lead hand release, trail hand release, release fine tuning and snap release polish” THIS IS HUMAN ANATOMY 101; human movement patterns are very much universal, they just come in an infinity of variations! 😀👍

Gregg Carr

I just had an ah ha moment. I have watched this video several times plus many others and just realized the sequence of where the ball collects on the face towards he hosel and eventually squares. This is why even with your club 20 degrees closed looks slightly open at setup. Duh!

Barry Bower

Hi Shawn blocking most of my shots to right consistently , think I found the problem watching this video can you confirm this is probably the reason. I address ball slightly stronger than normal. For a fade line up parallel left of target, swinging left edge of intermediate point. What I was doing from here was as in your video closing clubface then regripping club and doing that little shft back with head and arms that squares the club face. Watching this video I realized as I made that last shift to square clubface I was moving my shoulders off the target line and they were pointing out to the right.So it made me swingout to right. Tried with just a hammer and if I want to hammer a nail towards my target I have to keep my shoulders close to target line when I make that shift back to square the hammer to hit nail down the line, if I allow my right shoulder to turn behind as I shift to square up the hammer I now swing the hammer along my shoulder line out to the right and cannot drive nail towards my target. Sorry for long comment but does this make as sense as to good reason for blocking to right. .This video gives me this impression.)

Shawn Clement

Spot on! You found out that the set up did not match the task direction! 😀👍

Thomas Kihr

Awsome stuff! Love the Go Pro view! Hint: as i remember, the Go Pro has a Slo Mo setting. Would be great to use this setting for the slo mo because there wouldn’t be a blurred image, which comes from normal speed. Why do i mention that? Cause it would give a perfect picture of the impact and how the club face is presented thru the ball towards the target. best regards

Ed Miller

I have played for 60+ years by defaulting to the ball and have learned to square the face by manipulating my hands and timing my “release/flip”. I don’t have direction issues but am seriously distance challenged. I now know why!! FWIW I would never hammer horizontally like you show. I need to rethink that and think about lining up the radius and ulna to deliver the club through and let the release just happen?? Are there other videos that you can suggest? Thanks so much for all you do.

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