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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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So I played Super Bowl Sunday and shot 74 and was feeling pretty good about my swing. I have been watching you latest videos w/ Savy and have been practicing heaving the club in the backswing. I watched my swing at a Golftec today( no lessons there, just use for video) and was shocked how much less my turn was in the backswing than I thought. I re-watched the backswing series with Dr. Moody and best downswing weight shift to re-educate myself. I practice PMD and throwing clubs quite a bit.Doubt is creeping in. I know you say that I am not defective, but , it sure looked like it today

John Carroll

Great video! I used this in my practice today and my release got deeper and my effort went down. Hitting ball slightly tin but my distance increased and my strain was low.


Hi Shawn

I am really loving all the ideas about how to swing the club. First time out this season, I really focused on sending my irons to target through an intermediate point, I didn’t duff one and they sort of went where they were supposed to – thank you so much.
I am still struggling to not hit at the ball with my driver. Any particular tips?

Also do you have any plans to come over to England and hold a golf clinic or two?

Keep up the great content

Phil B.

Jon R

Hey, this video was timed well in response to my question on the Eagle account. You are a magician. The snap release is another version of the sword slash and for that matter, the football throw, skipping a stone….etc. Different tasks to accomplish the same thing. In this video you clearly showed the elbow and wrist release action after the vertical position of the ball. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe mastering that simple maneuver allows you to compress the ball even at lower speeds/momentum. Something you and all professionals do extremely well. At times, I could compress the ball pretty good at full speed, but ask for a 3/4 shot… CLUNK! I am going to work this drill next indoor session.

Savvy’s distances are incredible. Some of it must come from her extension away from the body. Not the clubhead, but her hands. Tremendous width. To be young and flexible!

Jon R

Finally got to hit some shots indoors and may have figured out what has been short-circuiting my kinetic chain. Of course it was something that I did not expect. By chance, I remembered your video with Matt telling him to try and hit his irons half their full distance. I had nothing to lose so I gave it a shot. BINGO! The drill forces a ‘lazy’ transition at the top giving the legs and trunk enough time to engage into the shot. When I go bad, I get ‘grabby’ at the top and it is off to the races, as the body tries to catch up to the hands. The result is almost always a shot that stings (and stinks). I would guess that the transition metric is different for everybody. (e.g. John Rahm vs Hideki Matsuyama) I just don’t have the lightning reflexes so I lean toward a ‘Hideki’ type transition. In fact, his glacial transition is the swing thought I chose. It seemed to work pretty good. Hopefully, I am on the right track.
For once, I would like to hit the Spring season running and get the game sharp. How can I book a lesson up there?


Hi Shawn:

Not directly related to the content of this video, but Savy appears, at address, to line up mostly with the club open to various degrees, with a strong grip, and yet she is able to hit draws and slices. I can see if the grip is strong enough then dynamically it can return to a square or closed position at impact. Do I have that right and if so is she simply controlling whether the club is open/square/closed at impact by varying the strength of her grip?

But as I recall, you suggest keeping the grip more neutral and starting with the club square or slightly closed for fades and more closed for draws (with the attendant changes in ball position and alignment for each).

Do I have this right, and if so are both approaches viable, and if so, is it just a matter of which feels most comfortable.


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