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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Robin Franklin

I really like the go-pro shots, what I see is that the ball has a diagonal path across the club face from the heal to the outer face, if i’m saying it right, I always felt that the club had to be square with the ball on contact, even when opening the face, and the ball still comes out in the direction I want, and the added bit with the ball sitting up on the grass was great, because I always went to low and the ball went nowhere. Thanks

Shawn Clement

Nice comment Robin! You have a good learning cycle going on! 😀👍



You explain to Mu that the open face chip feels like a fade. I find that the open face requires that my lower hand (left) palm faces the ground and my elbow goes outward in the takeaway. I then then underhand toss to the target. Is this the correct technique? If so, when the face is close to square then it’s hold the lower case y and toss back then forward to target.

Shawn Clement

Hey David! To rotate the arm that way would place unnecessary tension in the arm-club unit; then you would have to hold the shape of the arm in place while you putt. Not the scenario you want…

Paul Belcher

Shawn, the one thing I don’t hear is what wedge you’re using – because different wedges have different rollouts. Does that make sense?

Shawn Clement

Hi Paul!
When using the 1/3 onto the green and 2/3 roll, you get to choose what wedge or iron you need to get the roll out. Richmond Hill has small greens, so we use Lob and Sand wedge; and here in Quebec City, at Royal Quebec, we extend that another wedge to the gap wedge and sometimes the pitching wedges depending on green speed and slope.

Flip Gentry

should you vary the wedges or choose one wedge ie: gap wedge or PW or sand wedge?

Shawn Clement

That is for your personal preference and time spent around the practice greens; I will typically use 3 wedges around the greens depending on the amount of roll needed.


Hey Shawn, you asked Mu to “bring the club higher up” (my words) in the backswing so that he could follow the downward slope. How does he do that without manipulating the club?


I think I get what you mean. I’ll give it some practice tomorrow and see what happens. I’m really starting to feel the momentum of the weight of the arm-club unit and using my legs ala Mu’s instructions and I’m sure this will help get it started in the intended direction. Many thanks as always.


I tried that out today, a little nudge towards the target before heaving back really helped with nailing my aim. Another gold nugget to add to the collection.

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