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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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hello Shawn, I continue to struggle with my hundred yard shot. Do you recommend a certain degree wedge and bounce for around this yardage. I also would like your input on the bounce in Loft for chipping and sand shots. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mike Dempsey

Dario D'Andrea

Hey Shawn, how do the Glide 2.0 compare to the Ping Glide previous generation? I see that the loft and bounce specs are the same between Glide and Glide 2.0 for the SS ES and TS wedge. I am looking for a second hand club but as a lefty, the 2.0s are not easy to find. Thanks! Dario

Kenneth Jacobsen

I had a pitch session with the local pro yesterday (group session for the team(s) playing in the danish league).
Unfortunately I dont know the training plan ahead of schedule so usually I review your videos after our weekly practice sessions.

One of the things he talked about on the pitch shots was the importance of rotating and keeping the hinge all the way through, not allowing any kind of release since it would close the face of the club.
Another important thing was swinging slightly from outside to inside.

Trying to hold the hinge through impact wasnt very comfortable, it didnt feel natural at all and gave alot of strain in the wrists. I understand the risk of getting a closed clubface at impact, but I guess that is just a result of releasing at the ball, not towards the target.


That there is a classic example of what is wrong with today’s golf coaching and instruction; you are exactly right in feeling how wrong this is. Have you seen the flop shot video? I cut through a dandelion stem softly. Have you seen the video with the wood shavings? Or the carrot peel video? If you shave wood along the ground with a nice quick zippy whip and stay a bit longer along the ground, you will have your “holding of the wrists”
Ask the pro on what everyday task he could relate this action to; it will make him think! Tell him about Gabriele Wulf’s research for the last 20 years on human motor skill learning and how insanely bad we are at body part positioning.

Fred Baggett

Hi Shawn
I am a new eagle member.
What club do you recommend for pitching? The 60 for short pitches? The 52 or pitching wedge for longer pitches? What would you consider the maximum yardage to be a pitch? I would also like to know how to control the trajectory of a pitch. I live in West Texas we have major wind out here.
Thanks I love the videos and have been working on the premise with some immediate improvement. I will try to upload a video of my swing soon. Thanks again


Sandy Chan

Hi Shawn,

Does this wide descending angle also apply to iron shots?


Sandy Chan

Interesting. So my takeaway for the irons is similar to my takeaway for a chip shot, only I hinge a bit to get to a ‘pitch’ position and complete the backswing for a ‘full swing’ position.

julian clark

Hi Shawn,
do you keep 70% of your weight on the front foot during the back swing on a full pitch shot and have the ball positioned half way between each foot for a non fade/non draw pitch?


Same type question do you have your weight on the front foot like in the chip. Basically like a chip with an added hinge.

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