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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Shawn I really like this new series and I like how you are sticking with one concept/feel for the entire series. With some of the other series, for me sometimes there were too many different actions to focus on like slashing for irons and cutting grass for chipping. I like that i can focus on just one feel.

Theodore Skinner

Hi Shawn Why is the low point so far back, opposite your trail foot?

Jeremy Moody

Hi Shawn. Recently pitching fat and under the ball. Chipping thin. Manipulating the club and I’m sure wrist break….losing strokes like crazy…..grrr.
I was not using perpetual motion drill with goldilocks but I think also most importantly, not getting weight to the front foot pre strike like you do as you clear. I think I’m stuck in the middle manipulating with hands. A kinetic disaster. On the plus side PMD is right on with the irons and driver. Kinetic chain maintained.
Getting to the ground with the front foot makes or breaks all the rest of the kinetic chain no? Thanks. Timing for this session was perfect. I have my 5 lb sledge to try and ingrain the feel. Cheers .J.


I just favorited this video and plan on hanging out on this one for a long time. I thought I had my chipping together today, but unfortunately… chipping cost me dearly on the scorecard. My distance judgement was way off. Even doing Goldilocks didn’t seem to help with distance… any drill suggestion? Or is it good ole fashioned wood shedding.

Jeremy Moody

…to be consistent need to find the low point with pmd, then Goldilocks the lie , then make sure the clearing involves getting the ground by loading the front foot ( watch Shawn’s on the video) and cut the grass to the intermediate point in the sequence ball, grass, (dirt).
The drill is like the video…hammer to get the feedback then repeat with club in PMD…

Sandy Chan

Hey Shawn,

This will sound really stupid – but how do you take the hands out of these chips and pitches?

When I start a range session – the first 20 balls or so of pitches ALWAYS ALWAYS involves so much hand action – the term you used is ‘manipulate the club to hit the ball’.

It seems to be the equivalent of the yips for putting – but its for pitching (if there is such a thing).


Sandy Chan

OK – now I have to get a sledgehammer! hahaha!
Thanks will look into those videos again.


I’m having troubles getting a mid point establish d on my shots after the drive. Any suggestions

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