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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Rohan Patki

Man this series is just superb. I feel like a beginner may struggle to fully appreciate the value, but if you’ve been at it for a bit it’s just gold.

Shawn Clement

So glad you are enjoying it Rohan! 😀👍

James Whipple

Just wanted to let you know that you’re still reaching us, thanks.

Shawn Clement

James! Thank you very much for chiming in; so nice of you to take the time to let me know! That was important! 😀👍

James Whipple

Thanks forbthe reply. Only recently have i decided to focus on your simple task mind connections coupled with improved technique. Am pleased to let you know am enjoying the whole golf experience so much more. This after so many years of tough experiences. Have never had better contact than right now. While i still miss some shots, some ugly, they are far better. Am starting to have some really wierd CONFIDENCE, in my technique… Really Shawn… I bet you hesr this many times each day… I had been so discouraged i wanted to quit so many times. But now I have a chance to actually develop my own game, based on the WIG models. In gratitude… James

Shawn Clement

This is exactly how golf is supposed to be James! Yes!! Thank you for taking the time to chime in and for your important feedback! 😀👍

Larry Ferguson

Hi Shawn I think my club stays on the ground after I hit the ball ( a wiffle golf ball). The tee lies flat on this ACU-STRIKE MATT about 3 inches away and I hit it. I just thing about the forward
brace leg and press down at contact You know Shawn I spent 2 years with TOP SPEED GOLF with 5 different areas where don’t get the total pictue . You make easier much easier

Larry Ferguson

I’m not sure where the dandelion stem where it is in the relation of the swing

Asad Ali

Hi Shawn,when I focus on the task of hitting through the door frame or cutting grass or peeling carrot, I often fail to follow through properly. My brain focuses on the task and once the task is done, it stops. As a result, my balls slice. Should I focus on proper finish instead of the task now, and let the task function be automatic? Thanks


What you need is the feel on the otherside of the task, the snap release! See “lead hand release” “trail hand release” “release fine tuning” and my favourite, “snap release polish” videos. Then see “predict contact” and “the goldie locks series” videos and finally, the « target confirmation series » enjoy!

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