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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Maurice Wyatt

Hello Mr. Shawn, I love all the videos that you have put out and I’m a member of this website. Is there a way to show the ball flight? I think if I can mimic the swings and follow the swing/ball flight, I can understand more if this makes sense.

Norman Koh

Hi Shawn, I just joined this incredible site last week and you are always emphasizing to focus on our target. Wouldn’t this new dandelion drill get us NOT to focus on the target and focus more down (ie. ball). My preference would be to release the entire hand-club unit towards the target/intermediate target with low effort/strain and high velocity.

Shawn Clement

Hi Norman! Like the “kinetic chain engagement series” part 6 of delivering the divots to the target, we are delivering the stem or the root of the stem into the direction you want to start the ball; so it is big time target oriented. You could say the same about the “throwing the club into the direction you want ro start the ball and predict that the stem is in the way too! They are both great and their goal is to get the action delivered THROUGH AND OUT TO THE FLIGHT PLAN and not stall at the ball.

mike mccracken

Shawn–This is perhaps the best video for us who have been on the site for a while IMO. The most important part of the video for me was when you were hitting fairway woods and did not connect the flight path to the sending the stem. You have told me several times to make sure I have the flight path and then do the task to match, but that was like a eureka moment for me because I realized how many times I have either the task or the flight path but do not connect the two. Always good when the master has an insight and it was very powerful!

Shawn Clement



Great video. I wish I could just stop losing extension in my trail hand. Just always flip at it no matter what my intent is 😩

Mikael Pärssinen

This is a great mental picture on so many levels. Ties together so much of the other videos. First if all I’ve had tendencies to black out during my golf swing, really not having a task to focus on. The heavy momentum through the arc blur really brings my attention back to to my task. Second, focusing on sending the stem toward the target helps me to really not send my energy to the ball, but sending the energy towards the target (allowing the ball to join the forward heavy momentum).

I also think that the dandelion stem image is genius. The stem is quite light and you get the impression that you do not need to use brute force in order to send it towards the target. Just allowing the weight of the arm club unit to cut through the stem.

Just love your enthusiasm in his video. Your joy shines through.

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