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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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I started with the stem and fell in love with the carrot peel. My current problem is the carrot peel starts to bend left at the end. when it is at the end the shot is still on target but my miss is left when I start it starts bending closer to the ball. I know stay with the target and that gets me back on track but I would like to get rid of it.

Shawn Clement

Well it sounds like you have a pattern right? Are you a righty or lefty?


I am righty but you solved my problem when I watched your stop the toe hits video for the fifth time. I did not realize I was swaying when heaving the battering ram in the back swing. I was letting the weight pull me off. Feet together drill saved me again. I cannot believe how much more roam I have to stay on task. Before I had to try and reach to stay on task.

Thomas Parisi

Shawn – you just connected the dots for me and I am sure for others as well! Great video detailing sending the stem to the target – LOVE it!! Thanks again!

Shawn Clement

You bet! 😀👍

Jacob Hyatt

So think of the ball as a dandelion stem? And not a ball? Or focus on sending the dandelion stem to the target? I thought we were just supposed to let the ball get in the way of the swing and not really focus on the ball at all

Shawn Clement

Hey Jacob! We have our main tasks to allow us to move through the ball and towards the target; see “top 3 tasks” and “task trumps everything”
with the feedback I get through the years with my students, some were saying they were hitting too much at the ball when trying to cut the stem of the dandelion (see “grass whip training” video) so we use another task to combine with it which is “throwing the club” and predict that the stem is in the way of the throw which is highly effective.

Then comes more power and the kinetic chain series and kinetic chain engagement where one of the drills that has been super effective in engaging ground forces without thinking is #6 in the series and one of the 3 tasks of sending divot peels towards the target. Combine this all together in one task and you get this last video which is:

USE THE WEIGHT OF THE ARC-CLUB UNIT TO WHIP THE DANDELION STEM INTO THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO START THE BALL. You stay behind the ball while moving through it and you get pure “pre-motor cortex” (see that series please) and kinetic chain engagement.

Jacob Hyatt


John Lyons

I am 66 years old and 250 pounds and fairly strong. I have a club head speed with a 7 iron at 75 mph and driver at 84 mph. I am completely disappointed. No matter what I do or drills I try, I can’t get my club head speed any faster. Am I just to accept that age is the culprit? You mentioned that it was your job to get me there. Be honest with me, am I at the end of my game in regards to club head speed. If I can’t get the speed into the mid 90’s I’m quitting the game that I have played for 45 years. To see Sav swing the swing Caddy at 110 mph and she is half my weight, I’m convinced there is some trick to this. I can get the swing caddy at 88 mph and that is it.

John Lyons

Not a whole lot. Are we to be throwing at full speed? I was doing it at a moderate to learn where the target was. Is club throwing a speed training task?

Dominic Macedonia

Sean this is truly a timely video. I abandoned cutting the stem because I was focusing too much on the ball it was not following through well so certainly you’re right this is very helpful and thanks for posting it.

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