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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Dan Santucci

Once I successfully implemented your feet together chipping instructions, carrying that instruction into my backswing turn especially your tidbit of instruction about immediately turning back the pelvis, hips and rib cage same as in the feet together chip shot has significantly helped my backswing and backswing takeaway waggle and eliminated my tendency to sway in the backswing.I keep electronic WORD document notes about my favorite premium channel videos and I have to keep changing/updating them because every time I rewatch them I pickup another significant point that I missed originally. Your videos are packed with insights into the swing. Thanks

Shawn Clement

Yes sir! You are on the right track BIG time!

Noah Roet

This has been so important to me. The one challenge I now have is slowing down the start of the downswing. After many years of just firing from the top, I’ve found that if I slow the start of the downswing I can make that “throw” to the target and I crunch the ball. Shawn, what drills do you recommend to help slow the start of the downswing and let gravity take control?

Alex Hernandez

Hi Shawn, would this concept apply to putting as well?

Michael Cameron

Yes…the parallax effect. Perfect explanation. Trust your intermediate point, deliver into that picture. Can’t wait to practice now. I did have my best round (80) last week. So your method is sound. I just seem to have tremendous relapses from time to time. Also, I now believe head tilt may be more important than most people think.

Shawn Clement

Make sure you see the “alignment reload” video as well as the “pre-motor cortex series” and videos to keep your state of mind on task in the moments leading to the execution of the task! 👍👍

Michael Cameron

Hi Shawn. I am right eye dominant which seems to be hindering my efforts to get the proper head tilt and get a view of the back of the ball. You are saving my game. Love the site. Appreciate any help with this issue.

Shawn Clement

I know exactly what that feels like from my lefty swing as I am left eye dominant; see 2 videos: “alignment reload” which applies to either or dominant eye, and the “hammer drill” video, where you are going to take a household hammer and set up in a doorframe, parallel to it, and get ready to deliver a fake blow to the door latch. How are your eyes lines up now? About 30 degrees to the right; but the hammer is still going through the door latch in a direction parallel to the door! Then see “blur of club” and “arc blur unstoppable momentum series” and use the arc blur to deliver and not the PERCEPTION OF WHERE YOU THINK YOU ARE LINED UP FROM THE EYES POINT OF VIEW because they have been COMPROMISED.

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