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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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How are your divots? Behind, at or within 4 inches in front of the ball. Did your angle of attack change? I’m going test it , on my flight scope!

I would like to see a very close up of the hand grips for both hands. I always look for 2 knuckles on lead hand and trail pointing toward shoulder!

You and Adam Young should do some stuff together!


Hit some into the nets today using the info from the last couple videos. Fairly decent feeling shots. I will rent some time on the simulator in a week or two to verify.
My question is, does the firm grip also carry over to the putter? How about little chip shots?


Hi Shawn ; I like your comment on grip pressure. I am having trouble with the whip concept . I’m using the overlap grip right hand and found I could grip securely with it. Trouble was I found I was squeezing so hard my left index was bearing down on the knuckle of the right hand . I t caused my club head to be open on follow through when club was parallel and the whip action was a wishful thought. When i moved my left index finger off the knuckle and onto the area above the right knuckle ( phalange ) the club was cosing slightly and I actually started to feel a slight whip . Was I doing a common mistake, and am I now on the right path . Med


I started to grip tighter as you suggest. My only concern is that the tension in my forearms will migrate into the arms where I will try to swing with the upper body (using my back instead of the legs). Further, the tighter grip cuts down on wrist hinge as it seems to lock the wrists up more. Any suggestions?


Great stuff, Thanks Shawn. After convincing myself that I should grip the club so lightly that it almost falls out of my hands, this makes much more sense. Can’t wait to try this on the course tomorrow ( weather permitting ) 🙂

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