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Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Hey Shawn, I’ve been away from your fantastic channel for a couple of months and I’m doing a bit of catching up.
Congratulations for your thoroughly deserved Golf Channel Academy Award and I’m just loving seeing The Shawn and Sav Collaboration – truly inspirational.
Thank you dearly for this video, great food for thought once again. I’ll experiment with my grip pressure tomorrow when I go out for a practice round.
I’d just like to share that a little while ago, my putting really improved when I felt the weight of the ACU as you’ve suggested. To do that I had to loosen my grip pressure, or else I pushed it right in trying to manipulate the putter instead of letting the weight of the putter fall. But then one day my putting went awry for a few holes and my golf mate commented that my grip was too loose. He was right, my putter was too wobbly, I’d gone a bit too loosey goosey, too far mumma bear (I’m probably not allowed to say that anymore haha). So with a slightly firmer grip, but still feeling the weight of my putter, my putts were back on the intended line. Recently, though, I’m missing too many 3 footers due to too much grip pressure because I want to make them drop too much, trust issues I suspect hahaha.
Best wishes, Mike G




That part for me needs some more work and adjustment. I had a session experimenting with the grip pressure and ended up with my left forearm muscles aching. I also have some trouble separating the tension I put in the grip from the one I put in the rest of my body. In short while squeezing hard on the club I have issues swinging smoothly. I will see if dialing back the pressure a little bit helps.


Hi ShaWn,
I have a question about the golf grip. It is not brought up in your grip videos or in the grip chapter by Brandel Chamble. When taking the grip should the V’s be in line with each other or can they be off-set. Thanks!


My lead hand is about a 6 and trail hand is about a 1 at set up. Very common for Phil. VJ, And many more


Yes, the grip pressure slightly increase through impact . When I tried very tight grip pressure my swing got slower , more heel impact, less than 100 mph in swing speed. Keeping at 6 and 1, swing speed can go back up 10 125mph with a better release. Your body has to move away from the direction of where club is going.


sometimes I experiment with holding tight with only the middle fingers; seems that way it’s a tight grip without tight forearms.

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