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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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I’ve been working on my grip, posture, and release for a while now and I have to tell you I can’t see how I will ever carry a 7-iron more than 150 yds. I’m lucky if my 7 even rolls 150 yds and I’m a fairly strong dude.

I still need to work on my grip a lot but I also feel like my grip is weak, even though I’m following all instructions properly. I’ve watched and watched and tried and tried, my swing feels weak and I can’t figure out why. Maybe it’s because of my release??

Shawn Clement

Hey Patrick! Sorry I missed this one!! Have you had a couple of club throwing sessions??
see “throw the club” and the “throwing series” and then see “predict contact” and the goldie locks series” to make sure you don’t default to the ball and a big video for this is “target confirmation series”
now, I don’t know where you are coming from but if you are restricting any body parts or you are being “careful” this will sap a lot of juice from the swing! See “pumping up the swing” as well as “open the machine on course” videos as this is what Bryson is doing BIG TIME!!!

Ish Marino

hi Shawn Savv and Moe, my question is not necessarily related to the video above, my question is,”How to prevent snap hooks “especially now that I’m using grip exactly like Savvy. Especially Driver

Shawn Clement

Hi Ish; sorry I missed this one! It is all about getting through the ball and into the direction you want to start the ball; WITH EASE!!! See “the goldie locks series” and “predict contact” and then for the strain level, see “pre-motor cortex series” and “target confirmation series”

Darrell Lewis



Hello Shawn.I am a beginner, playing off and on. How do I tackle a ball, with iron or wood, on the fairways if the ground is hard and no grass?


Hello Shawn,
Thanks for your guidance. I will follow your valuable advice.


I have been focused on grip this week, trying to put some of this content into my own practice. I can’t tell you how on the money it is, thanks for producing it.

Shawn Clement

Yeah man! Time well spent!!

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