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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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driver setup middle of stance ball off right toe
aim middle right of fairway(left handed)
swing middle
am I swinging along toe line or along target line?
toward 3rd base ??

Shawn Clement

All right! Great questions, which tell me you are not using your intermediate point (IP) properly.
looks like your flight plan is draw from middle of fairway back to right side of fairway.
1-choose an IP that lines up with right side of fairway.
2-when you set up to that, find ball position that allows you to deliver to the left edge of the IP
3-grip and club face feels strong enough or closed enough so that when you deliver your “arc-blur” (see videos on this in search box) in the direction you want to start the ball, which is left of IP, which is centre of fairway, you feel the ball will curve back to right centre of fairway.
Videos to watch:
”arc-blur unstoppable momentum” videos
”great driver nugget”
”diagonal stance series”


Shawn, at 12:55 and other examples throughout the video you show the complete release with full supination of the left hand at the horizontal left direction to the target with the club face almost fully turned over instead of having the toe upright in most other instruction. Will this work without causing the ball to pull or even hook? Can you explain. If I attempt to do this I generally get hooks. How does this work?


“18 degree launch is solid for a 9 iron”, wait! what???
What kind of stupidly strong lofts those clubs have?

Adam Hazelwood

Hi Shawn. I keep splitting the skin on my left thumb, just above the tip crease. What am I doing wrong? I’m guessing this should not happen.

I’m right handed.



I had to take a week off for work and vacation but I’m back for more fun “work”.
I have been focusing much on the trail hand grip. The details of that focus are the connection between the thumb and index finger and grip pressure. Since I have these women’s hands my question goes out to Savy. On a scale of 1 to 10 what do you feel your grip pressure is at address and into the takeaway. ?
Thank yinz

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