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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Dan Santucci

Do the swing concepts used in the “Battering Ram” drill and “Shawn’s new Favorite drill” apply to the greenside bunker swing except that the setup is different at address with club in center of stance, forward ball position, shallow angle of attack,,and open clubface ?

Dan Santucci

Shawn, I am a new member of your premium channel and have been following your instruction videos including the ones that use” tasks” like swinging an axe into a tree stump with emphasis on establishing lag in the swing with the hands leading the axe/club into impact. My question is should the swing in the sand bunker include this lag which would seem to expose the front edge of the wedge instead of being able to use the bounce along the surface sand?

Shawn Clement

Hey Dan! When performing the task of spraying sand onto the green, the kinetic chain is the very same one for all shots and the hands lead the club. And yes, the leading edge gets raised exposing the bounce in the process and what you are not quite getting is that they are both one in the same and have the same purpose. When you open the face, the angle of the sole of the club increases to stay and ride the sand’s surface and reduces the amount of sand that goes up the face of the club preventing a submarine dive chuck into the sand.

Terry Anderson

How does the task change when the “sand” is really just wet or hard packed, eg almost dirt or mud hardpan? (I play some cheap courses…lol)?

Todd Stacy

Shawn, great stuff, I am completely changing my swing to your system and love, love, the way I strike the ball with ease. Question on sand shots and all the new technology for wedge grinds, bounce, etc. is there really a certain grind or bounce you should use for green side bunkers or close fairway bunkers?

Thank you for all you do !

Shawn Clement

The general set up I give my good players is the 60 or 58 degree in a C-grind (callaway jaws MD5) with 8 degrees bounce for perfect flops and wet-firm-normal sand; then complement that with a 54-56 degree in a W-grind in 10 degrees bounce for chips, pitches and very fluffy sand.

Brian Humphrey

Hi Shawn – I’ve been busy this morning watching videos. On bunker shots I tend to mishit often causing what feels like a double hit – what am I doing wrong here? – thanks

Shawn Clement

You are not following the surface of the sand with the sole of the club; you are trying to lift the ball up instead and this causes the double hit! Practice whipping the sole along the surface of the sand like a fairway wood shot and just spray some sand divots around the green.

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