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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Hey Shawn – I have started down your putting road by changing my grip – I have done left-hand low for a long time and I interlock my grip as I do with the full swing. What I did was to do a double interlock and that has restricted my ability to manipulate the putter during the stroke – forcing me to give the putter over to gravity.

The ramifications of that are learning distance control – not all that hard surprisingly, but it is also pointing out to me that I did a lot of face manipulation during the stroke when I felt like things were not quite right. Now I just have to trust it. The thing that got me tonight (in round 1) was the fine speed control. I had a few putts that ran out of gas and just missed and I left one short.

I am sure you are going to say to give it time, but are there any specific things I should be doing to make sure I stay on track and get this new technique down? I have quite a few putters and it seems that a larger grip is better suited to this technique ( I have an Edel E1 putter with a Pure grip that is a constant cross-section – it seems to relax my hands). I tend to change putters a lot – I assume this is a big no? Just stick with one, or can I change from time to time when I feel like benching a putter. Sorry for the bombardment of questions. I am intrigued by the results from trying this.


Wow – answering my own question 🙂 I was watching the Putting – Stroke & Distance Control video again and there was something in there that really helped with my accuracy. It was gripping the club more tightly so my “Y” can move from the shoulders – that feels WAY more stable than the weaker grip I used tonight. It is amazing to putt and have no hand manipulations going on 🙂

For me the grip size is big – I can not seem to get a good grip on the club with a thinner grip. It can be a pistol or tapered but has to be a larger cross section. – thanks again Shawn, you have helped my game immensely.


Shawn – I have been trying to settle in my putting rhythm (and brain) to timing to stroke with my breathing… inhale (take the putter back)…. let it go with the momentum… exhale. Does this make sense?


It’s great, one suspects, to forget about the bad shot that just happened. But if we completely erase the memory, are we disrupting the feedback loop?


Shawn, what is your opinion of using a line on the ball, to aim your putts. Ron

Michael Vinton

Hey Shawn. Really good teaching. I practice 20 minute meditation sessions for awareness twice a day and its amazing. I knew that this practice changes our attitudes in daily living. But I never considered adapting this to golf. Thank you for your suggestions. You are correct when you say open-mindedness is the key to success. The best to you!

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