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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Shawn, looks like a nice new series coming out! I have one question (blanket type) What is different between this type of focused train and the so called “block” training where we are trying to develop a repeatable flow state on the driving range?

Jeremy Moody

Great stuff Shawn. I must admit in the fall sessions at RHGC when I’m hitting into a net, the flight plan, kinetic chain and flow seem easier to get to. With the GC Quad now the bees buzz around . Too much heel contact, ball fading too much, spin too high etc. I struggle to get back to the
golf “ box breathing”. On the course, well there is the lie, that bunker, the pond, the trees on the left, out of bounds blah blah blah. My solution is to try to get back to the basics of appropriate grip, stance, flight picture that matches the shot required and then releasing the acu over my intermediate point. As you know, control is a problem for me. Trying to keep it means losing it.
Comments? Thanks. To bad we are all indoors now.

Philip Graves

Hi Shawn
As you know, this is something that, in theory, could benefit me greatly.

However, I think that the suggestion of telling oneself “to cut grass” is at odds with achieving a flow state. It is still task focused, just a different task from hitting the ball. In the psychological study (throwing darts) that you reference, there is no equivalent concept in the mind of the more successful group.

So, instead, I think we need drills that enable us to get the right ‘action’ for the swing (throwing the club is probably a good one, but it’s quite hard to implement safely and with sufficient repetition) such that we can embed that feeling in our unconscious mind. This, I suspect, requires massive amounts of repetition without the involvement of a golf ball (but some studies exploring how much is required would be very interesting). Equally, other drills that help us identify when we are co-ordinating our kinetic chain properly (and, importantly, when we’re not), would be helpful – ideally that we can use as rehearsal swings.

I think Jon R is making a similar point about some of your drills that contribute better to flow state.

But I do think it would be helpful for you to take a step back from some of the concepts that you use to help people (e.g. cutting grass) when the topic is flow-state, because in my view they are not compatible.


Merci Shawn,
C’est la suite naturelle et brillante de tout ton enseignement. Pour ma part ma pensée oscille en tout temps entre la zone ”cible” et la zone de pensée ”partie du corps” que je veux contrôler. En écoutant ta vidéo j’ai réalisé que je pourrais:
– pouvoir focuser sur la cible
-voir les résultats sans peur ou jugement
-puis faire confiance à mon cerveau (habiletés naturelles) pour faire l’ajustement lors du prochain coup.

C’est simple, en harmonie avec mes objectifs. Je me sens bien à penser de cette façon, c’est la preuve dans la poudding! Sérieusement.

Jon R

Most of your system is already built around various methods to achieve a flow state. For example, the perpetual swing and Goldilocks are great at replacing the manipulative state with an athletic move. Looking forward to this series.

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