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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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mark sobel

hey Shawn, I ve got a problem with feet together on my clubs above 8 iron, everything 8 and below seems to be fine. any ideas?
thx , mark

Shawn Clement

Distance to ball!

Shawn Clement

See the “distance to ball” and the “goldie locks series”

mark sobel

shawm or Matt the way u keep from losing lag . is not to let ball be the target ? I can not practice throwing club to target at my facility.

Shawn Clement

Use the “lead hand release” and “trail hand release” then “turbo charge lead and trail hand release” then the “target confirmation series” to get through the ball;


Shawn.Just an observation I note that yourself and your very able assistants seem to have the head/chin move about 25 degrees in the backswing.When I swing my head and chin stays square and centred.However when I stop take myself out of posture and look in the mirror my arms have elevated and my shoulders have turned 90 degrees.I note that in recent eagle podcast you mentioned there something dysfunctional about a head/chin that remains looking straight down.If I move my head to the extent you all do I feel as if I am over rotating.Do you see a problem with my swing?


Ok Shawn.At my first opportunity.Thank You

john simms

Hi Shawn,
I love this drill, because you can’t cheat. I noticed on the video that you said Moo wasn’t allowing the club to levitate up. I have that problem with the driver. The driver is the most inconsistent club in my bag. I feel that my hands often get too low in the backswing and around me. How can I feel or obtain that levitation up with the driver, without trying to manipulate the club up? Any drills or videos to watch to help me with that?

Shawn Clement

Do the PMD feet together and feel that release-re-hinge upwards in Both directions. Also do some ball below the feet PMDs with the driver or fairway wood!

Shawn Clement

1-are the shots going straight left or do they have a curve to the left?
2-see “draw fine tuning” and all my alignment videos on premium (use search bar)
3-see “blur of club” and “arc blur unstoppable momentum” videos on premium


Thank youse, I love this video for so many reasons. One thing that confused me though was, on the go pro view, at address your club face looked quite open. Is there something I’ve missed?

Shawn Clement

Again, the key is to feel that when you release in the direction you want to start the ball, does it feel like the ball will do in the air what you want it to. See “draw fine tuning” video and see FOR YOU what you need to do. I have a lot of experience with ANCHORED RELEASE which you will see in “bolted and centred” video.


Since I took up golf around 2 years ago I’ve been consistently blocking my irons 30* dead straight right. The day after watching this lesson, I played a practice round with a mate and did the feet together as a ‘pre-shot routine’ and low-and-behold every shot went left 30*, which was very exciting – at last the spell was broken. Hallelujah🎶 However pleasing it is to miss left for a change, again dead straight, for the past couple of weeks it’s been consistent. I’d be ecstatic with in between. That would be perfect. I’ve tried a number of things that haven’t worked. What would you suggest to help my direction? I’m thinking I should watch Mu throwing the clubs, again.

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