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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Kevin maas

New member. With Driver conventionally at setup feet, knees, hips, shoulders, club face parallel to target. I’ve found Success at driving range driving ball more easily and farther with Shawns method, but need help with how are my feet, knees, shoulders, club face to be aligned at address now? Closed stance with Everything slightly to the right? Best video to address these questions? Thanks

Shawn Clement

Hey Kevin! See “arc-blur unstoppable momentum series” and there is one for the driver in there but you want to see the whole thing; see also “blur of club”
so when you go back to the “diagonal stance series” which we confirm draws and fades with this set up, you will understand that it is not about piece meal positioning of body parts at address, it is about alignment of the flow of momentum into the direction you want the ball to start and then get out of the way and just witness the shot.


I used to do that to fix my slice. If you lose your task it is going to be the straightest longest push ever;)

Shawn Clement



This video has dramatically changed my relationship to my ability to predict. One question: what video do you suggest to increase the clubhead speed with the driver?


Ummmmm. Cancel that question. Just reviewed heaving kettlebell/hammer. I feel very “light” on my feet with the driver, probably the last remaining remnant of manipulating the result by trying to be “accurate”. thanks!

Alan Nasypany

That why tiger says that when he wants to bomb a drive, he drops the back foot back. Fun video. Thanks.

Shawn Clement

How about that huh!? 😀👍

Sandy Chan

Hi Shawn,

This is very interesting – as with the driver – I usually have episodes where I’m standing over the ball w the feeling of “this DOES NOT FIT”.

But I noticed that when I:

1) face the club head (which is a good 8 in behind the ball)
2) close my stance a little

My brain suddenly sees a clear picture (like one of those 3D posters where a picture will just suddenly emerge) of how to swing.

Question: when we close the stance – do we also close the shoulders? Or just pull the right leg back?


Shawn Clement

Depends on fade or draw! Just make it fit the picture like in the “goldie locks series”

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