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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Hello Shawn,

Will you be doing a series like this on irons and fairway woods??



Thanks Shawn seen it right after I sent the question.



SC, I’ve been working on this wider / deeper takeaway but unfortunately the consistency with the driver has diminished. It has felt like the ACU is not matching the hip turn and I’m not in sync at the top then the arms are trying to catch up with the hips and legs in the DS. Then AH HAHHH! I discovered that my stance was not wide enough and it changed everything. I confirmed my theory by watching your driving videos and it appears that even your stance has gotten wider with the driver, I can see why ! The Wider stance seems to slow the hip turn down (?) and that rhythm match’s the turn of the ACU ? Whatever it is , I feel more in sync and my hips don’t fire as much when my legs ‘go get the ground’. Also, it’s much easier to get off that lead leg and let the foot come up with a slightly wider stance. Damn, that took way too many swings to figure out. Should have sent you a video or something. Cheers


Shawn, Have been playing great golf down here in Georgia, shooting 76-81 daily from the forward tees, while trying to master your teachings. But, I am having severe back spasms. With your knowledge of the anatomy, what could be causing the pain, from the new swing. I am 75 years young.

Jeremy Moody

Hey Shawn, check out 830-843 and butt relationship to the bench. R frame Practice swing shows a more marked ‘squat’ on the bench vs the L frame hitting the ball where the lower body squats very little. What is the natural process difference? Just a tighter kinetic chain? Thanks.

Jeremy Moody

Hi Shawn. Really enjoy the split screen slo mo with commentary. Recently heeling the driver but felt I was allowing the kinetic chain to flow to the target ‘ out there’. Tried to stand further away…closer..no joy ( not surprised). the fix was #1.. see the blurr for distance to ball….#2 ..use the ground a la stone skipping letting the elbow flow in the football throw motion. Result was almost dead center contact and effortless distance. Waiting for the new GC setup and foresight to fix connection issues to verify the results. WIG…I have to tell you…you make golf more natural and way more fun. Thanks. 👍👍

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