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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Les Gross

Hi, Shawn. I’ve been making my way through your video lessons by section from the beginning and really appreciate your logical presentation and common sense approach. I learned to play 50+ years ago in a very Old School way, then stopped playing 30 years ago. I started playing again seriously last year and traded my beautiful blades for a good game improvement set. I have changed my swing dramatically since then and am continuing to implement your philosophy and techniques (a significant challenge for a former adherent to the rigidity of Old School ideas). My ball striking now results in predominantly draws, especially with my fairway woods and longer irons. I am now considering getting a set of quality blades with modern forgiveness to better allow me to fade the ball, low or high. Am I thinking straight?

Shawn Clement

Sure! That is the market that has made the most improvements in my mind! I have a combo set of Apex 21-Apex pro from Callaway that are just awesome and Srixon and Mizuno and Taylor made and Ping have their own similar products. Just make sure you get out there and try them all and see which ones feels best and then fit the best shaft option to them. Places like Club Champion and True Spec are solid for this. Tell them I sent you! 😀👍

Joseph Pavlik

Great video. Love the angle.

Casey Dyson

Hello Shawn. I’m a new member here but have been watching your YouTube videos since 2007ish or so. Watching this video, I noticed something in your driver setup and I see alot of tour pros do the same. At address, your left arm and shaft of the club are in a straight line together…club just looks like an extension of your left arm. This seems like it makes the right shoulder lower at address b/c to put your right hand on the club, it naturally lowers your right shoulder. I’ve never thought about this before…then I thought about my driver setup and my arm club unit…my left arm and club are not like that at address…and my right shoulder is not near as low because of it…however, I feel like I drive the ball well…always play a draw…its just more natural to me..so wondering how much this left arm club shaft straight line at address matters? Should I purposely set up like this? I have a nice penetrating ball flight with a 9.5 driver….never done a simulator thing so don’t have numbers for launch angle or spin rate…but on course, I know I’m getting it to the 300 range with roll…most of my drives curve left…some more than others…most are a slight push then draw…guess my question is, what benefits do you think I’d get setting up like that at address? Looks like it would be easier to hit it higher…I pick my int. point, set up, put my left hand on first, then put my right hand…but don’t have that straight line between arm and club shaft…thoughts? thanks!

Casey Dyson

Thanks for the reply Shawn 🙂 I understand completely what you mean about not fixing what is not broken. I didn’t know if it was hurting my ability to hit fades off the tee. Fades are very hard for me where as draws/hooks are very easy. I probably watched every video of yours multiple times 🙂 My distance and consistency with my driver are fine…but some times the wind is right to left and that right to left ball flight can easily get away from me in that wind…that is when I want to hit a fade that basically just counteracts the wind and stays straight. I feel great club whipping and power with my draw swing but with the fade swing, it feels very weak and slappy…didn’t know if I’m my draw swing is being saved with my hands at the last split sec…feels like I have lot more time in the downswing in my draw swing compared to my fade…in my fade swing, I don’t feel loaded up near like I do with my draw swing…when I get some time, I’m going to upload a video to the site for you to analyze…thanks for all you do!

Shawn Clement

See “fade fine tuning” and the next 2 training sessions we are going to do a special “waggle” training series overseeing the “Sangjae Im” backswing and the “justin Thomas” Waggle; draw will be the first and fade the second week. Stay tuned!

Ken Cheung

Hi Shawn, great video series. I have just recently subscribed but not watched all of your videos. I was wondering if you could enlighten me about what I need to do with the club face.

For a draw (right hander)I would aim right of an intermediate point, stance pointing right, ball slightly back. But where am I supposed to aim the club face?
I know that to achieve a draw, I need the club face slightly closed to path. Am I supposed to close the club face at address, pointing at the target line (where I want the ball to land, which for this instance could be left edge of the intermediate point) and want the blur to be right of the IP?

Sorry, I hope I am making sense.

Shawn Clement

No worries, this is a question I get very often! Because of the DYNAMIC NATURE of the golf swing, the face at impact will never look like the one at address, if will always be a bit more open because the hands always come through first WHEN SWINGING THROUGH TO THE TARGET. See our “predict contact”, “goldie locks series”, draw fine tuning” and “fade fine tuning” videos to help with that! Enjoy! Shawn


Hi Shawn what should be the width in your stance for driver ?

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