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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Gene Czaplinsky

Shawn. Fantastic video. Using the weight of the arm/club weight unit and Goldilocks to guage distance is amazing. Steve Stricker, eat your heart out. One question: you often refer to the throwing the club videos. I would love to but I live in a condo and my neigbors would object. Is there a way to simulate throwing the club (medicine ball) in a very limited space?

Shawn Clement

Next best thing is the sword drill in the “lead hand release”,
Trail hand release” then “turbo charge lead hand and trail hand release”

Craig Hofer

Shawn, have you done a video on elbows at address? Last night I was hitting off of tight lies (range) and gouging. I rotated my lead elbow from pointing at the target to pointing at the ground and immediately started collecting the ball and sending it powerfully to the target. Seems like where I point the lead elbow at address made a big difference. Wanted to see what you teach in this regard. Thanks, Craig

Shawn Clement

What you did was perfect! 👍😀


Great video to keep in favorites. Your feet appear slightly open. Do you keep your shoulders square? I will try it both ways and see what works.

Quazi Johir

Shawn if the face is open and the body is closed to target then the ball seems to pop out to the right?

Shawn Clement

That would be the definition of getting ahead of the ball; see “hammer drill” in the premium site.

Last edited 1 year ago by Shawn Clement
Quazi Johir

Thanks shawn! I keep hitting these chips fat, do you know whats happening? I dont know why the low point is behind the ball

Quazi Johir

Thank you sir! I suspect its the too inside out path, something ive been struggling with mainly with my woods too!

Quazi Johir

Just seeing this, left a comment on “alignment reload”, thanks!

Ted Sauer

Had hip replacement right for right hand golfer. Practiced your full swing before in my garsge hitting net. First time on the rsnge hit the ball best I have in years. Of course now I can get motion and turn better. Still working on it. Now triing to overhaul my short game. Putting improve with your help. Struggling still with my chipping. Liked the hand weight idea. What weight would you recommend? Also like that the chip swing is basics of full swing. Ties more of your game together.

Shawn Clement

Hi Ted! Hard to tell on what area you are struggling with the chipping without seeing you; doing a swing analysis for that is very helpful. The main points in chipping I see most often out of whack are “ball position not far back enough and body not facing centre” and where the backswing “does not match the direction of the intermediate point”.

Craig Hofer

Have probably watched this chipping video and practiced it for months now and glad I didn’t give up on it. Can now chip great no matter the lie – almost always crisp contact. After 50 years of golfing it seems like I can boil all my small and big swing problems down to pulling my overactive arms inside on the backswing (manipulation). Now on chips and full swings I feel like my arms are responding only to my body turn back and through and my hands stay in front of my torso instead of my dragging them to the left of my torso looking for more power – that feels powerful but it’s not. It’s an incredibly hard habit to break – also trying to hit the ball with my arms and hands instead of just turning through and letting the ball get in the way – very ingrained! Hang in there golfers – Shawn is teaching the right stuff.

Shawn Clement

Nice post Craig! Make sure you see “using the weight in your swing-axe drill with Savy” as well as the latest “kinetic chain engagement” series where we re-iterate the importance of having 2 KINETIC CHAINS in the swing; one for the backswing and one for the Through swing.

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