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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Another very helpful video, as others have mentioned, especially the demonstration of arms-only vs using legs. And this raises another question, to help with the over-use of arms to gain power (that is, trying to “swing hard”).

Am I thinking correctly with this: If we use the analogy of the ball on a string, when you use your legs to power it, the ball will rotate freely without any real arm movement. If we want it to go faster, you can move your legs more. But if you try to swing your arms faster, they get a bit ahead of the ball, so either cause it to lose speed, or get off line. Attempting to translate that to the golf swing, too much push with the arms is like using the arms too much with the ball on a string, and loses effectiveness, while using legs actually increases power with less effort.

Or am I over-thinking it?



Last edited 3 years ago by [email protected]
Shawn Clement

This is the idea yes; the best is to toss 4 pound hammers around the backyard like horse shoes! You must try this to understand. See “pumping up the swing” and “stop pushing with right hand” on premium.


My main issue is always firing with the arms, so this is helpful. Now main swing is…. use the leg with a quiet ACU. It seems that my brain wants to equate club head speed and power with swinging the arms. Not so. The power is in the lower body, right?

Shawn Clement

Yes, you get the idea; see the answer I just gave Scott! 😀👍

andy vasily

One more big question Shawn or maybe it’s more dispelling a myth. When you use your legs you are definitely dipping and lowering into the ground. If I over exaggerate this move, I will chunk it. As I try to lower the boom so to speak, I catch it fat. Can you clearly explain how you are able to hit it so purely with the legs even though there is a noticeable downward drop of the legs and waist into impact?

Shawn Clement

Hey Andy! I get this question often! 😝
You cannot focus on the legs themselves during the swing; that would definitely sabotage the results as you are no longer on target!! Releasing at the ball is fat city and causes a nice early extension too! But releasing THROUGH THE BALL and out at the target changes where the body loads the ground and where it extends back up!
See “the walking drill” and do this drill and film yourself doing it. You will see my head bobbing up and down and then also see the grass being cut nicely on every step in backswing and follow through. Toss some hammers, then toss some hammers with long chip swing and then throw some clubs and then throw some clubs with a prediction!!


Another great video. What stood out today, for me, was your demonstration to Mu on using the legs vs manipulation of the arms in the swing. The manipulation of the arms really changed the position of the arc. Seeing the visual really made sense to me. Thank you. Pat Baker

Shawn Clement

Right on Pat! Thank you for the feedback as this was the effect I wanted to demonstrate and get across! 😀👍

andy vasily

Love this video for bringing it all together. I still struggle with activating the legs like you do in the swing. However, watching your videos again have gotten me back on track. I’m now doing a bit of a forward press before I swing and this has definitely helped me to activate my kinetic chain. My strikes have been more pure with much less dispersion. Banged out about 20 7-iron shots last night to a target about 170yds out. Had very few big misses. The trajectory was much more piercing as well rather than it ballooning too high which sometimes happens with my swing. Would like to better understand the legs in the swing though and how you apply such force with the legs through impact. Any thoughts? By the way, nice Lululemon pants! I’ve got myself about 5 pairs of those. Most comfortable pants on the planet!! Talk soon Shawn.

Shawn Clement

For the legwork, use a 4 pound hammer and do what Mu and I are doing in the latest youtube video and in the premium’s “pumping up the swing” video. And Yes, awesome pants! Was trying the ones from Linksoul and nothing comes close to the lulu. The Linksoul shirts and tee shirts are great and Mu and I love the fit of their hats too.


I think I’ve worn every brand of polo, over the years and will now only wear Tasc. It’s a bamboo fabric; stretches well in the swing, very comfortable on the skin, and they stand up well to many machine washings. Fyi – they seem to run a bit on the large side.

Shawn Clement

Will check them out! 😀👍

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