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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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you always speak about the legs are doing the work, being the motor of the swing, does that mean that the swing from the top of the BS is a pulling motion into the DPosition and then further to release? thanks, regards ernst

Shawn Clement

Hi Ernst! When you see the “kinetic chain series” you realize that the golf swing is 2 kinetic chains with a sweet transition at the top of the backswing like in the “using the weight in your swing-axe drill with Savy” Then see “kinetic chain facilitation series” and you will see that the engagement of the kinetic chain from the ground up is what pulls the arms and club down and through to the direction of the target.

Norman Koh

Hi Shawn,
where should the release point be….at the bottom of the arc or at the ball?

Shawn Clement

Hi Norman! The release point is well past the ball and well towards the direction you want to start the ball past the low point of the arc which of course for all clubs except the driver is in front of the ball by a couple inches…see the “lead hand release”, “trail hand release”. ‘Release fine tuning” and “snap release polish” videos for starters and then see “kinetic chain facilitation series” and my favourite is the walking and releasing divots into the trees one which I think is #5 or #6. Enjoy!

Shawn Whitelock

I really see how you lead with the trail elbow. This is something I know I need to improve.


Two questions: 1) I am down to heave and throw to the target for me and I like stamping the back foot to initiate the heave and the front foot to initiate the throw. Question 1) Is that OK? Question 2) When I set an intermediate point from behind the ball and then set up, it looks so off that I lose confidence in my direction. It also happens when I putt. And as a consequence I have a bad shot. I have learned over the years to just line up at the target which works great for me. It may be because I am very much left eye dominate so much so that the intermediate point just looks so off that it does not match my mental picture. Your thoughts?


Really enjoy your method of teaching the game. Spent so many years trying to learn the game from teachers who believe in the body part manipulation as the fix for all faults. Finally feel comfortable with my game. Club throwing drill has been a real help for my timing, tempo, weight shift and follow through. My biggest issue now is my driver. Can’t seem to get it. Constantly hitting my driver off or near the heel causing significant inconsistency. Watched driver drills on premium channel but still feel like my head gets ahead of ball in my swing and can’t seem to stop it. Am I missing something simple?
Gary from Arizona

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