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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Shawn, I have seen this for myself, as I’m sure you have…where my eyes focus, so goes the clubhead. If I focus on the top of the ball, thin hit or top. Focus behind the ball, fat shot. The intermediate point is gold for sure, but I have found that once I’m set up after zeroing in on my intermediate point, I look once to make sure the clubface is set according to what I’m trying to accomplish, and then I’m laser focused on about 6 or 8 inches between the front of my ball and my roughly one foot of intermediate point as I take the club back and swing through. The fear factor is that your club face will go right over the ball and bottom out on the spot you focused on leaving you with a whiff or a top strike. What I’ve found is that, if I make a proper swing, the clubhead makes excellent contact with the ball and my focus brings the clubhead path right through where I’m looking. Basically I’m not looking at the ball whatsoever, but the results are quite opposite of what one might expect, a pure strike sending the ball pretty much along the point you focused in on. I have done the same thing with my putting stroke, finding my intermediate point, or start line, focusing on about two or three balls past my ball along my start line, and making sure the putter head travels through that spot after impact. Again, phenomenal results with the ball rolling down the desired line. The only exception is hitting driver and I focus on about 3 balls or so before my teed up ball, but in line with my selected intermediate point. Years of opposite aiming practice bring the fear of completely messing up the strike right to your brain because you feel you have to stare at the ball. Once it clicks that the clubhead will actually impact, for the most part, where your eyes are focused and you relax and just swing through, you realize you can now fine tune your targets, not just try to hit toward the general area and hope for a decent result.

amarjot Bedi

Hi Shawn,
How to hit a big fade?
My home course is a Slicers paradise.
Hitting my draw and a straight shot well.
Hitting my small fade very well.

But many times I find myself with trees on my right and target is behind the over hang of the trees.
I set up my Ip left of the foliage, I stand towards the left of my IP and swing left of the IP.
Two things happen, 75% of the time I go straight into the Foliage or I start it way left and stays there.

What am I doing wrong?

Shawn Clement

1-you never do anything wrong
2-you can only start slicing clubs at the 5 iron and woods
3-NEVER RELEASE TOWARDS TROUBLE!!!!-use a different option and take your medicine.

amarjot Bedi

Hi Shawn,

  1. Do you during your backswing ever think about if the weight is on the inside of trail arch, or is your back turned to it. I did that during practice session being a little more aware of the weight in arch and back towards target, but when doing that in an actual round, my consistency goes.
  2. Also recently (you asked me to practice more fades) I find staying with the shot easier for the fade when it comes to woods and driver and easier to stay with the draws with wedges. Irons I have a bunch of questions I have sent, but am glad you didn’t immediately reply as today have a list of All Shawn methods and gonna try each and see where I am messing up.. alignment , club arm weight, ball distance , ball position, choosing which task should I use all this is my home work today:)

Thank you for your patience with me.

Shawn Clement

Like I said in the earlier replies; fades with long clubs and draws with short clubs is a tour standard; this is the most popular way for PGA TOUR players to get around! And you will burn yourself every time you think about weight shift and where the pressure is and where you back is during play as you will no longer have a task to a target which is the most important!

amarjot Bedi

Makes it crystal clear… Thank you.

Alex Hernandez

Shawn, love the stick in the ground as a visual aid. Do you think using an additional stick in the ground parallel to the target stick could be of benefit? I feel like my side vision makes it difficult with the intermediate point and I tend to “face” the intermediate point. Essentially aiming too far to the right. (As a right hander)

Christian Nepomuceno

hi Shawn.. been following you and watching you for a decade now from the Philippines, even have your dvds. suddenly got confused or it might be an “aha” moment for me. my question is about the intermediate point and it relationship to a fade and a draw.. where do you aim the club face? especially if at address it is somewhat closed. you always say to draw you should swing to the right of the intermidiate point and to fade is to swing it to the left .. but on one of your videos you actually said and aimed your clubface to the edge left for a fade. so this might be the reason why i snaphook and fade way too far. because i line the clubface to center of the intermediate target with a closed face and swing it to the edge left or right when trying to draw or fade? thanks

Shawn Clement

Hi Christian! See “fade fine tuning” and “draw fine tuning” where we show you how to resolve this for YOUR DYNAMIC NEEDS. What you see at address is really not what you will see at impact in regards to the arm-club unit and the body’s anatomical alignment. Enjoy the practice! 👍😀

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