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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Thanks for reminding me of the key to sending the ball to the target!
Alignment = proper set up = proper flight plan = proper release then it is all just a perfect blur!!

Paul Gibson

Hi Shawn, just took this session to my club driving range.

Exact set up, man was this an awesome session!

I started with my 54 and worked up through my irons, rescue and woods thoroughly enjoyed it.

Drawing and fading with a superb tight dispersion.

I had a few take home moments.

When aligned correctly to feel the momentum over the markers on the takeaway.
Using my side vision, I felt way right or left of the final target. Like there was no way I’d get the ball there.

Despite my feelings, I’ve never hit so many shots with the ball setting off in the right direction and shape ever! Feel like my skill level just grew tenfold tonight.

Finished with a Driver session and hit some bombs.

The last shot I imagined the 1st tee shot at my home club, which requires an accurate tee shot with trees right and left. Gave myself a tight 30 yard landing zone. I absolutely nailed it down the centre line with a soft draw to the back of the range.

Just want to say thank you again for your quality content!

Shawn Clement

Great stuff Paul, you are the man! Good on you for sticking to the program and thank you for the great feedback and looking forward to more great breakthroughs and benchmarks from you! Shawn

Quazi Johir

Hey shawn i struggle with alignment. My coach pointed out that my body is too open and thats why i duck hook long irons and woods (my path is waaay too in to out), but to me the “feel” is i’m swinging over the intermediate point, towards the target line. Do you have any alignment drills/ exercises so i can get the feel of throwing to the target with my body correctly aligned at setup? Should i set an alignment rod over my feet?

Quazi Johir

Got it; ive been doing that but not its hard for me to hit a predictable draw or hit the ball to my target. Any suggestions?

Gregg Carr

Is the illusion of alignment with longer clubs do to the distance the ball travels? It seems the shorter clubs hook/fade sooner because the ball travels a shorter distance

Shawn Clement

Part perception, part wonder, part fact. All of it part of the observation process and one of the cool things associated with this awesome game!

M. Moellen

Similar question: I not sure if I understand the feet/body position. Your feet’s are not square to the target alignment (stick) – they are square to the intermediate point right? Or square to right of the intermediate point (draw) and left of the intermediate point (fade)? Ball position in the video seems to be not in line of the target alignement (stick) – but left of this for the fade and right of this for the draw – right? Thanks.

Shawn Clement

See “arc-blur unstoppable momentum series”
we are lining up the flow of momentum in the swing; also see “diagonal stance series”
The most important is to deliver through the arc into the flight plan; the ball position and the distance to ball predictions confirm the rest. See “goldie-locks series” as well.

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