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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Hi shawn i understand everything exempt your feet alignment , would you always set your feet square to the target line ? Just a little confused when you talk about closed stance in other vids .
Thanks paul uk

Shawn Clement

The arm swing tends to move naturally parallel to the alignment of the ball socket system; if you need extra range of motion in the backswing, the diagonal stance is a great way to go but it requires an understanding of the accompanied ball position. So if your range of motion is good but struggle with alignment, then stick to parallel.


Hi Shawn,

You said you didn’t stay with the shot? Can you please elaborate on what you mean??



never mind Shawn. I saw below where you told someone you had a video on that. Thx

John Jackson

Shaun… Can you explain throwing a club for a fade it seems like most of your examples are always throwing the club for a draw thanks


Something bothers me. In many of your videos and lessons you say that for a fade you have to align yourself a hair left (playing right handed). In this video you seems to align the same way (parallel) for both shapes. Have you changed you stance on this?


Thanks for the question Vincent. I was thinking the same thing.

Jason Marineau

Great video. The visuals really made sense. I am going to set up an alignment rod like this at my next range session. I was sorry to have been unable to take advantage of your NJ/PA session a few weeks ago. Have been working hard at this concept this season because beautiful shots that were going left of the target were driving me mad and you just explained why here. Also the wrist hinge to wrist hinge back swing to release that you talked about a while back along with this idea here has helped me with staying with the target and the path because I can now feel when I come over instead of turning around my center. When I come over there is almost no re-hinge and I now understand it. I shot a personal best 81 yesterday (oh for that one chip shot or 3 putt). Shawn your influence has taken this older golfer from a 25 hndcp just a few years ago when I first met you to on the verge of breaking 80. I AM going to make it happen this season!!!! Thanks for all you do for us golf nuts.

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