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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Nils Freitag

Hi Shawn, hi @all :-),

I am new here and happy to be on board :-).After 3 years without golf I would like to start again with the goal to have used the break sensibly and to release like after the backswing with the momentum towards the goal (a better golf swing) :-). I come from Germany and have already practiced club throwing according to Fred Shoemaker with a coach here in 2016, which has also brought me further. After the restart, the club throwing still works very well, but I’m struggling with the idea of where to look in the backswing and downswing… without losing focus of the actual target (direction where the ball should start towards the target)… what is your recommendation? which drill helps and is there a difference from iron to driver?…some told me to look to the lowest point in the swing..so irons in front of the ball and driver behind the ball.. @23:14 you told us something about this topic..but I am struggeling..

Donald Moir

@ 14.34 of video (release, exactly at moment of pronation): Would you say that, right at that moment of pronation, the golf swing release feels the same as release from swinging a baseball bat? And if not, what are relevant differences? Thanks.

Donald Moir

I see the answer is at minute 17!

Shawn Clement

Awesome! And for more on this, see “lead hand release”, “trail hand release”, “release fine tuning” and “Snap release polish”

Ken Rock

Are the hands turning over at the ball or after the ball…I’ve seen so many different answers to this question. I’ve seen the DST club guy show how the left wrist stays flat to target well after the ball?

Shawn Clement

Hey Ken! This is where understanding anatomy and human movement patterns are critical! See “lead hand release”, “trail hand release”, “release fine tuning” and “snap release polish”, then see “target confirmation series”.
and to answer the question, PAST THE BALL, because we are COLLECTING THE BALL from where it lies, and then releasing the ball into the direction we want it to go.

Gary Jones

I am new here but….how in the world do you swing hands and grip so far towards target before the release?
Gary Jones

Shawn Clement

Hi Gary! We collect the ball from where it is and we release it into the direction we want it to start on; see “target confirmation series” and The “throwing series” and then see “the goldie locks series” for your prediction of contact.

Scott Bie

Beginner here. I have some ambiguity regarding arms being passively allowed to fall/accelerate with gravity versus adding acceleration with arm/shoulder muscle power. I hear allow the arms to passively fall with gravity, but, it appears (e.g., in the sword through melon demo) that there is some muscle power whip through.

Shawn Clement

Hey Scott! When you see the “feet together drill” you will realize that when you let the arms FALL PAST YOURSELF AND TOWARDS THE TARGET, the legs have to use the ground to remove the nody from the way and thus ENGAGE THE KINETIC CHAIN of the human body which creates natural tone through the body reacting to the task and pulling-accelerating the arms and club right through without thinking.

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