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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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JD Seamons

Hey Shawn! Just to clarify with the draw. In your other draw videos I understood that you align your feet parallel to the IP and target, then “throw” the club to the right of the IP. In this video it appears that when you go 3 degrees more to the right, you actually adjust your feet. Seems obvious to me since that’s the logical way to get the blur going the proper direction. Is this correct or is it just the illusion of the camera angle? Thank you!

Shawn Clement

A bit of both! See “diagonal stance series” for another option; then see “draw fine tuning”


Shawn – are you telling us that we will need to determine through practice how far to close each club in order to hit it straight or to hit it as a draw each time? We don’t get 3-4 shots each time to hit the green with a 7 iron.

Shawn Clement

Hey man! Sorry I missed this one! No, of course not but WE DO HAVE THE INCREDIBLE ABILITY TO PREDICT! See “the goldie-locks series” and “draw fine tuning”
You need to get past the “static way of doing things” and get into the “when I let momentum release me in that direction, it feels like the grip-club relationship will allow the ball to come back on target” then all you have after that is let momentum go and SEE WHAT HAPPENS; you keep doing that, and 2 weeks later you will be 15% more accurate and building a swing that will never fall apart; just keep staying with the process; science is BIG TIME with us!

Ron Iwankovitsch

Having trouble getting the feel of the grass whip throwing the grass to the right of the of the tee target. Any suggestions?

Ron Iwankovitsch

Ah!!! In alignment reload I see that the ball is aligned a bit to the right side of the alignment marker. If my observation is correct, I need to pick an alignment mark that is to the left of the ball for a draw. Is this correct?

Tyrone Williams



Thanks Shawn – I need to try the idea of sawing through with the face closed – toe to heel…I get that with a fade (heel to toe – I do that with the driver) but use cutting like a knife square to the direction of my throw with the irons. I love how I get a new nugget every time I listen! But my question is this; I have to think of the end of kinetic chain (elbows, wrists/handle, club face) as a unit and throwing that whole thing (as opposed to just the club) in the direction I want to throw grass, it helps with the football toss feel. If I maintain a good connected feel to the ground through my back swing, it seems to work well….but before I get too far down the way with that, is there a flaw with that feel? Tom

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