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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Neal Ward

When you do these exercises to release the club are you using your legs to release the club by just straightening them (kicking them against the ground) and not just turning your hips? Before I used to just concentrate more on the hips but now I use my legs more to kick the ground and this seems to have increased my speed. I have the swing caddy set to 110 and can now here the click a lot more since I started thinking more of kicking the ground. Just wondering if I am going in the right direction.

This is kind of what I am talking about – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZBRHvN5NWY&list=PLZAQ_JjLyrc9gbPWcztKFVOIifOEbmZXX&index=17


Shawn Clement

Hey Neal! Sorry but that Zen Golf guy does not get it at all! You can see how he has no idea about the human kinetic chain and how it engages with tasks and not through freaking body part positioning.

You are close to feeling it; so I want you to review or Start with the “throw the club” video and then see “lead hand release” and “trail hand release” AND THEN SEE “turbo charge lead hand release” and “turbo charge trail hand release” and the “snap release polish” then do it with the “feet together drill” and feel how the legs turbo charge the snap of the release and finally see “feet together back to feet apart”
The final product will be “kinetic chain facilitation series” (#6 is my favourite and will yield huge dividends when mastered.

There is the sequence of events you need at the order you need to see and experience!

Neal Ward

Ok thanks. Kintetic chain #6 is a chipping video. Is that the right one? Also in one of your videos the mention to watch one part in slow motion but you can’t watch any videos on this site in slow motion the option is not there.

Shawn Clement

It’s the one where we are using an iron and sending divots while walking into the trees; could be # 4 my mistake! Some have stop action but mot all when it comes to slow motion; we have a slow motion series where I do most tasks and most shots from 4 different angles in slow motion called the slow motion series.

Neal Ward

Is there any chance that you could embed the playback speed control into your videos so we can play them back at slow speed if we need to? https://vimeo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012275447-Playback-speed-controls

Colin Watt

Shawn I noticed your lead arm forms a straight line with the club at address. Is this important?

Shawn Clement

Hi Colin! This is a natural thing that happens when you are in the process of delivering a task through the ball and towards the direction you want to start the ball with momentum. You never want to feel that you are placing anything statically at address but rather react to the flight plan with existing momentum. See “perpetual motion drill series” as well as the “arc blur unstoppable momentum series”

Philip Kwasinski

Very much like the forearms rotating at 2:02 in video. Hardest thing for me has been to stop thinking of “positions” when I am executing my golf swing; well that and not straining. Any free your mind/stop straining videos?

Shawn Clement

Hi Philip! You bet!
see the “lead hand release” and “trail hand release” videos and then “release fine tuning” and snap release polish” videos. Then get some turbo to the release with “turbo charge lead hand and trail hand release” and “arc blur unstoppable momentum series”

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