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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Shawn, my question is this. When you told Kevin to lower his hands with his wedges, would that also apply to his mid irons and hybrids? Fairway woods? Thanks

Shawn Clement

Sorry I missed this one! The longer the club, the more outward the hands will go; we call it pre-deploying to where the G-forces will be taking the arm club unit!


You talk a lot about strain level when swinging. I can’t seem to get over wanting to hit the ball, what would be a good drill for this. Also being 70 years old how do you feel about a closed stance.


Shawn, I’m curious if allowing the student to alternate actually throwing a club just before hitting the ball on the course would reinforce that great free sensation one feels. I feel like trying to remember that sensation while on the course is a challenge at first and leaves me with a fuzzy (at best) image of my task.


I think I learned as much as Kevin by watching these videos. The concept that a power fade may be preferable to drawing for some players with the driver is possibly something you could discuss in your Driver series ( or did I miss it?)

I am slightly older and one year into playing golf and less have less mass than Kevin ( I am 78kg), but I have exactly the same issues as Kevin with the driver. I can shape my fairway wood well, but if I try to draw with the driver it is less than predictable. The push fade can happen without notice!

My neighbour is a club fitter so I will talk to him about extending my short irons too.

Thanks Shawn and Kevin.




This comment applies to Kevin Part 1 and ” getting Kevin lower ” . This was a very helpful reminder about need to get lower.

Practical concern however. Hitting off a mat vs. the playing field. If I put the club as low as I need to be, on the course , often , specially on less than perfect greens , which most of us I would think play on , the club has a tendency moving into the backswing from the initial address position , to get “snagged/caught/” .

And so , I have had to resort to hovering above that ideal “get lower club position” and then have to mentally remind myself to ” get low ” again when coming into impact zone .

Question : Is this the right approach ? Any thoughts on this ?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x