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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Jon R

Shawn, I noticed that on your long shots you head backs away from the ball line about 4-5″ on the backswing and then stays on that plane throughout the rest of the swing. You have been doing this a long time. I assume that it is just your body saying “This is what we have to do to deliver that object to a target.” It seems unique to you, yet you get amazing distance with little effort. I gave it a try and found that the ball just melted on the club face (when I didn’t top it). What is going on? Is it simply the further you are out on a radius the faster you go? Forget about it and just deliver to a target?


Hey Shawn, thanks once again for fantastic tuition.

My draws are becoming a little too exaggerated and I’m struggling to shape the fade. Is that a grip strength thing or a swing plane thing, do you think? I went through a great period just a few weeks ago and these days everything just seems too big to control.

Thanks again


Thanks Shawn, makes sense. I think you’re on the money with number 1. I’m still struggling a little with my right hand being a little over active during impact, it’s just how I used to think about it before; that I had to flip over at impact to time that compression… So glad I found your channel on YouTube that led me here!

Interestingly, something clicked just last night regarding keeping that right elbow closer to the body on the downswing… Feeling a little “cramped”. I felt such a better sensation of whip and my hands calmed down too. I think the pieces are starting to come together. I’ll get there eventually!


Mark Cohn

Really cool stuff Shawn. I often forget about the deflection feel when it comes to my woods.

Like the way you stare down the back of the ball with your left eye and then just turn your shoulders around your head. A little pause and then whamo! Slash the sword with the intent of skipping the club off the turf while again keeping your head in the same position and rotating your shoulders back around.


So happy I found your website. In one (or more) of your videos, you taught us that the human brain is built for adaptation, not for repetition. Can one conclude from this thas all the rubbish we learned in the past regarding “positions of the body parts” and all the endless and faulty practice repetitions easily can be forgotten? In fact, unlearning isn’t necessary?
Hans from the Netherlands

Dudley Monks

Loved the videos I find them great and tell everybody even the pros at the golf course hope they are joining up and my game is improving out of sight and as soon as lose that picture in my mind I lose the shot and find a tree ha ha
Cheers and thank you.

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