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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Tom Rodgers

This is a fabulous drill. I took it to the driving range twice now. I do fine taking the club back from the hands through position, pausing at the top and swinging through. It is a very different feel for me, and the result was good for most swings. I can’t follow the ball well, however I felt like the ball was going to travel further than normal. When I try to go back to starting the swing from addressing the ball, I cannot seem to duplicate that swing!! I have only started, but any quick tips?? I may not be bringing the club back properly and setting my hands at the top.

Shawn Clement

Hey Tom! Next step is the “perpetual motion drill series” and the “kinetic chain facilitation series # 6” and another great drill that matches up in the “battering ram drill” video; enjoy!

Tom Rodgers

Thank you I am very glad I subscribed to the Member site. Very valuable.


I have never seen a series like this one – the Favourites are fantastic – and – this is real time tuition – “warts and all” stuff – so real, so good! Mu – bad news, soon you will be limited to a 6 iron!!! 320 yards is a good benchmark for a 6!!

Shawn Clement

So glad you are enjoying the drill as much as we are Marc, hope you guys get back out of your lockdown soon! 👍😀


Hi Shawn, I have been watching your youtube videos with Mu. I noticed he sort of adjusts the driver from nailing a nail downwards to tilting to nailing it slightly upwards into the ball. When I do that I feel a lot more tension in my right leg and especially my right buttocks. Is this feeling correct? I have not tried it out at the range yet.

Shawn Clement

It should feel very balanced at address; you are probably over tilting. See “mile markers for tilting” video on premium.

David Fasth

when i hit whit the driver iam slicing wey right, and ends att like 54 yards (50 Meter) to like 82 yards (75 Meter) what do i do wrong

Chris Cotton

Hey Shawn! I’ve been struggling with a block slice with the driver. I watched the first video you recommended to David, and believe my issue is that the face isn’t closed enough, but I still have an inside-out swing. Could this be a cause? I also struggle with hitting the top of the ball on my tee shots – driver or 3 wood. With driver, I make sure not to address the club behind the ball.. but sometimes I feel like on my downswing I default to the ball. Something I can’t get my head wrapped around.

At the end of my range session I changed my grip to hammer “down”, and then tilted to send the shot into the picture. When I do this, I feel like my forearms are contorted too much.. but maybe that’s just me not being used to sending the shot into the picture.

FWIW – I’m having great success with wedges and irons. I love your methods as they’re all natural movements. Keep up the amazing work!




Big giant dittos for me….as I read this I realized I have a similar problem! It seems like my right side can not get through enough and I end up going around more than through.
I’ve not yet tried to throw a driver (it has a graphite shaft) but I suspect the longer club has something to do with this as it feels like the trail side can not release at the same time or maybe as easily as the lead side and is restricting me from a full release.
My arms feel kind of contorted or restricted from experiencing the same feel I get with the irons.

Shawn Clement

Hey Chris! If you are still coming from the inside but the ball still goes right it can only be the club face. For you and Tom, turn the driver upside down and do the “lead hand release” and “trail hand release” videos and perform this before every drive; this is how Mu was able to translate his big block slices and turn them into crazy long straight draws. And he has to crank the face closed big time-just close it and disregard the look of it until you get a straight flight. If you guys look at the “most overlooked detail with driver shawn clement” video on youtube I did a few weeks back, you really realize that for many, the driver needs to be closed much more because of the upward blow. Keep the strain level very low as well so that the weight of the clubhead can release you fully.

Chris Cotton

Thanks Shawn! I think the trail hand release is what did it for me. I watch the videos and understand the concepts, but you can’t really grasp it until you actually do the drill! Looks and feels are totally different! I’m not getting nearly enough width with my trail arm.. definitely collapsing and getting stuck on the inside. I’m still going to close the face more, but I believe I was WAY too inside-out.

Chris Cotton

Hey Shawn! I have one more follow up (sorry to bog down this thread!). Today was the best I hit the driver in months. My power fade was working very well at the range. I took a video and noticed that I’m still quick with my swing.. definitely more width though.

What I also noticed is that I’m squatting way too early.. I start to squat and catch the ground as my backswing is finishing. My “load” in the back swing is a squat.. would this force me to pop up out of the shot? hence the tops off the tee here and there? Or is the early squat ok? I’m all self taught (besides your channel – no in person lessons) so my understanding of the “mechanics” isn’t great.


Thomas Parisi

Never cease to amaze me at how simple you can break it down!! Love the drill – after a dozen or so attempts I am finally going over the second tee!! Love this!!

Shawn Clement

Right on Thomas! So glad you are enjoying it! 👍😀

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