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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Dale Ward

After hearing Shawn’s excitement of using the drill on the golf course, I was inspired to give it a try. Hit every approach shot (3i – gw), a couple of 3/4 pitches, and even a bunker shot using this drill. The good shots (ca. 65%) were absolutely amazing (bliss on a stick, as Shawn says), as good as I ever hit it (both fades and draws). The less good shots suffered from poor contact (generally low on the face or towards the toe) but were playable. I didn’t understand what the drill was for (I see below that it is to reinforce the ‘collect and release’ feel) but for me, it detached me from my tendency to get lost in backswing thoughts. I found it much easier to remain focussed on a task and just heave, turn, and swing through to a target. This was so good and so easy, I fear it won’t be reproducible … time will tell.

Shawn Clement

Hey Dale! More to come on this drill for sure! 💪👌👍


Shawn – Tried this drill this AM at the range. I didn’t have a single bad drive. largest miss was maybe 20 yards off the IP. This drill right away cleared up my distance to ball that I didn’t know was an issue. Its great with irons, and I am already incorporating it into my pre-shot routine. awesome awesome!

Shawn Clement

Awesome man! Way to go! 👍😀


Ah, here we are, the achilles heal of my game, the driver. I have been doing that drill on the range, and what would you know I failed the acid test… Spectacularly… like I was a club head width too close from the ball. So corrected that, but I still just can’t swing without straining (just can’t shut up the green monster in my head screaming “Hulk! Smash!”), and I really struggle to hit up on the ball. My best ball speed on a straight shot is at 160mph, but carries barely 250y, good for a windy day but not if I want to send it on a par 5. Let’s not talk about dispersion, let’s just say I’m not comfortable hitting that club on a narrow fairway… I’ll send you a video (haven’t made great use of my eagle subscription again this year…)…

Jeremy Moody

So effortless. One of your best videos. Rather than a standing start so to speak , the whole pre-deployment/ predictive process frees up the swing. I feel the pivotal release. So much fun to feel the control…


Thanks for this series and I can see how it would improve practice if you can make it work….My questions is, how does the acid test (dropping the club down to the ball) prior to the toss/full swing compare to an actual dynamic swing? For me I don’t seem to get a good correlation between the acid test and the actual contact. I really try to remove strain and just toss/toss with the legs but contact seems inconsistent once I get into the middle irons, woods/driver. Thanks Tom


collect & release like a hockey wrist shot?


Well that was crazy…I don’t know that I’ve ever felt that before but up through my 7 iron on a few it really felt like the ball was on the club a split second longer and it was less of a collision feel.

Was not able to get that feel with the driver/woods/long irons. Still felt like a collision not a collect/release. It may be that I was never looking for that feel before but it was certainly more accurate. Is that what real compression feels like?

Shawn Clement

Very good! Keep at it and continue being aware of the differences; a few more reps with awareness like that and we may have something there for you! When you go back to throwing the club with the tip of tee in the way of the throw, it could unlock some more! See “the throwing series again” in the longer clubs and the football throw series


OK I played around with tee tip idea but I found something that seems to help but want to make sure I’m not traveling down a false trail. When I toss into my backswing, it feels like the top/back of my lead hand is riding up a plane or against a wall in order for me to have that feeling of dropping the club and collecting the ball shown in this drill. Otherwise I end up with too much wrist cupping and can’t get that acid test feel on release with my longer clubs. I use that feel in my practice swing away from the ball and go back to the drop/collect feel toward my target line during the swing while practicing this drill. Is this feeling of ‘back of lead hand’ along a plane going to take me down the wrong path?

Shawn Clement

If this works well with the “backswing levitation” video and or the “garage door drill” then you are good! 👍😀

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