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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Knut Herzog

Hi Shawn,
I have started to throw clubs and all of them go to the left ( Iam a right handed golfer). Even the one handed throws go way left.
I know I always fall towards the ball when trying to hit it, but I ingrained this so much in the last twenty years, that I even do it when there is no ball in the way and I am throwing one handed.
Any suggestions?


Shawn Clement

Do not give up!!! Continue throwing with an intermediate point and feel like you are throwing 30 yards right of where you are aiming!!

Declan Butler


after the “club on roof” start – I really liked this drill and started throwing exactly where i wanted.

However i noticed my follow through was a little lower than yours – at or just below the 3 O’clock position – Is this a problem ?



Shawn Clement

😂always great memories for our students who practice throwing some clubs!
if the club is going where you want it to go, that is what is important; you will get better as you go so try to practice this once a week! Next is throw and not let go and feel the FULL MEASURE OF THE RELEASE OF THE RIGHT HAND OVER THE LEFT HAND, and then you go with PREDICTION with he “predict contact” and the “goldie locks” series. Rock on! 💪🤛


Hi Shawn. So after 3 sets of 10 each clubs, I was able to throw them straight. During the first set, many of my clubs were going to the left. What does that mean? Some clubs were going low. I think, as I released the club toward the target I had to go “deeper” and release later to make them go straight. Guess that’s the object of this drill but I’m not sure.

Melanie Lamb

I just did this drill today for the first time. Wow, what an eye opener! First time I did it it flew up into the tree to the left and behind me! Then it was going high left for a while and then finally straight out in front but a bit low.
I have been having some many issues playing. I just won my Club Championship for the 3rd time out of the last 4 years but the 2nd day was awful. Shot 45 on the front and was just about to cry. My ball was all over the place. Fortunately I got it together on the back and shot 36 and luckily my closest competitor had a bad day.
I have to feel like my right hip stays high and I am throwing sideways at the target to hit it well. I am a backhander and the frisbee analogy seems to work. I also have trouble starting my swing because my arms out race my body. Working on this but have almost quit this game a few times in the last year!

Melanie Lamb

Thank you so much for your reply!!
The right hip higher feeling I feel keeps my right foot on the ground so I don’t spin out of the shot.
Today I practiced allowing my legs to heave my arm club unit into the backswing and tried to feel the weight instead of trying to control the motion. For me, I have to allow the swing to happen instead of trying to make it happen. I watched the new “Levitate” video too and am trying to incorporate that feeling. I’m a 6.5 handicap and sometimes when I play in tournaments I look like I’ve never played. I have to learn to give control to gravity. I’ll keep watching your videos. I’m determined to stop the insanity!

Mohanjit Singh

Hi Shawn
At about 8:58 you mention/show the Swing Caddy. You mention that it is very accurate. I have one. I cannot get the release beyond 52-54 mph. And I feel a little strain as well at 54 mph. I also realise that my normal swing is much below 54 if the reading of Swing Caddy is accurate.
I plan to send some swing videos across. Club throwing, Swing Caddy and actual later this month. Lets see.:)
Best Wishes.

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