Wisdom in Golf Premium

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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Frank Zoff

Hey Shawn, loving the premium site and the progress I’m making. One thing I’ve noticed with the driver is that i am really struggling with moving my upper body and head forward to start the driver downswing. I’ve been trying to focus on throwing the club out to the target and no strain at the top and it helps at times but it’s been years of this bad habit and its hard to break. Any advice on a set of drills I can do to unlearn this bad habit. I think i associate power with lunging forward instead of just unwinding around my head. Its almost like a need a better trigger to start the downswing that keeps me behind the ball but still feels powerful.

Shawn Clement

Hey Frank! See the “hammer throw driver” and “arc-blur unstoppable momentum series” which has a driver view as well; MAKE SURE YOUR ALIGNMENT IS PROPER as I have seen so many swing issues coming from alignment too far right so see “alignment reload” and line up 30 yards left and then swing towards the target and see what happens; you will see the opposite effect of the upper body.

amarjot Bedi

Hi Shawn,
Getting onto a Tee without warmup, I always hit my driver and now my 3 wood left. Always, I try and concentrate on everything that requires to be done, just that I know the effort level is 8/10. Anyway thoughts how I can get rid of this stabby and a very early release from the word go.

As the round progresses I just cant miss a fairway with my driver, and my miss is never due to my release or effort but generally alignment. I have hit slices /fades all my life and now Í just cant hit them with your swing. To see the right side and aiming at it is daunting having aimed left for almost 25 years of over the top.

Also I see your numbers , your 275 yard drive carries 310 and so on, I play a 12 degree driver with a very weak shaft. Hit it as long as my old driver which had a stiff shaft, only this one does what I want it to do. I had posted on one of your post regarding how is it that I am hitting it straight and so well with a 440 L1 recoil ( a ladies flex) I swing at 105 miles. Your reply was very satisfying. My problem / question is, unlike yours and savs or moos my carry is between 255 -265 yards but my roll is barely 5 -10 yards, so my 260 yard carry will be lying at 265/270 yards tops. Is it the equipment or the swing?

Shawn Clement

A lot going on in this post Baba; it takes 9 holes to warm up (this is only 18 full swings) and nobody I know except for a handful of guys that can play well on the first tee with no warm up. As for roll, you would need to see the spin rate and then also some fairways simply don’t roll! We had a lot of rain and our fairways have 0 yards roll right now.

Arthur Carvajal

Well, Shawn, I have been part of your wisdom for 3 years. Even did the Eagle membership for 1 years year. Very helpful in my improvement. But because of your Momentum, Removing Obstacles series, it is all starting to physically click. Letting Go is difficult, But It is getting easier. Not 100% consistent maybe 60%, but enough to give me hope!!!

Shawn Clement

That is exactly how it should evolve! Keep it up!! 👍😀

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