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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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On the drill, do you brush the grass and catch the tee or just catch the tee. Thank you

Shawn Clement

Only tip of tee! So it has to be hight enough to not catch grass before coming back up to clip tee tip on the way up! 👍😀

Andy Bryan

Hi Shawn. Happy here with a second comment/question in one day!

Since the swing plane is on an incline, once the clubhead bottoms out, the clubhead should be moving back to the inside as well as up as it approaches the ball at impact. This *should* promote a fade ball flight since the path is slightly out to in.

I have watched all of your ball flight videos (fade and draw) many times, but am not sure how to account for this when I want to hit a draw, especially the high draw.

Is this what you meant when you referenced the diagonal stance?

Best regards,

Happy Roman

PS I am about to watch Part 2 so if you answer my question there, I will see it shortly.

Shawn Clement

Hey Happy!! See “great driver nugget” and the “diagonal series” where you will see fades and draws with driver to knock out all doubt! 😀👍

Andy Bryan

Thanks so much for the quick reply. Shawn. I will watch those ASAP.

It also occurred to me this morning that you always stress the use of an intermediate point and feel like you are sending the momentum in that direction, or just to the left or right of it.

Shawn Clement

Religiously! 👍😀

Joseph Breen

So, for someone who is starting out with the site, and is looking to increase the driver from 85 mph, where do I start?


I hope the man, the myth, the legend who is Mr Shawn Clement is having a great day. Quick question for you. I got myself a grass whip over here in the UK, and when I swing with the grass whip and do the perpetual motion drill with my driver I have the most perfect on plane swing which feels great and not my horrible inside and off plane backswing…but as soon as I get behind the ball I’m back to my inside and off plane backswing and poor ball striking…could you please advise me on drills to change this…I’ve been swinging the whip a few minutes each day and also been doing the perpetual motion swings when I take a break from work but so far it has not stopped me from going back to that dreaded inside takeaway and the super flat backswing, almost a baseball swing, any help would be greatly appreciated?


I have not done that exact move but I am on it now, thank you good sir! 🙂


I’ve noticed that you and your students in the Driver training video’s have the Driver about 4-6″ behind the ball at address, is there a reason for this? Does it help you maintain your tilt. I usually hold my Driver just behind the ball at address. However, it does feel like I am reaching forward and I’m most likely not centered…

Last edited 3 years ago by [email protected]

Actually, I just read some of the comments below and they had same question and you’ve already answered the question…

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