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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Sorry if I’ve missed the point Shawn, but should you see the blur of the club passing over the right/left of the intermediate point? Wouldn’t the club naturally just arc once it’s passed the ball? Does this mean you’re ‘directing’ the club in the direction you want the ball to go? I hope that makes sense! Thanks for brilliant education from a very happy customer in Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

Shawn Clement

The key here is to maintain awareness that the swing is staying in the direction through the intermediate point. If you leave the shot before that, the brain will default to the ball, you will get in front of it, then come across to the left where the arc will get cut short and exit left too soon! See “target confirmation series” video on premium.

mike mccracken

Blur of the club series is one of your best. I noticed that I was setting up correctly to the IP, but when I would look sideways I was not on the same far away target to throw the club as should be if I followed the line from IP to the far away target. Sometimes half or more to the final target. This was very helpful.

Shawn Clement

Super deluxe!!


Hy Shawn , très belle vidéo. Mon anglais étant so so. Si je vise à droite du point intermédiaire sans déplacer ma balle légèrement vers mon pied droit comme pour un draw est-ce que la balle balle aura tendance à rester vers la droite?Ou si je libère vers ma cible elle aura quand même un effet comme lorsqu’on botte un ballon de soccer.

Shawn Clement

Vois le vidéo “draw fine tuning” et “diagonal stance series”


I agree – the GoPro view, with your commentary, was helpful. I haven’t had a problem seeing your blur in the other views, but what the GoPro showed was that your club position was at even more of an angle to square than it appears in the other videos. That reinforces the idea of sticking with the flight plan, even if it “doesn’t look right” to the side vision.



Last edited 3 years ago by [email protected]
Shawn Clement

Now we really see more clearly why so many golfers struggle with their bearings! They are so easy to distort!

Jamie Jones

Shawn, That GoPro view is invaluable. I often talk myself out of my initial setup based on what you said…binocular vision and change position and end up fading or push slice, etc….the blurb works but you have to trust it. That’s the big thing for me is trusting the arc and pre shot routine…thanks and please keep the GoPro view on all future videos…great job as usual.

Shawn Clement

You bet! Already in the plans for all shots!!

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