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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Matt Hunt

Hi Shawn, I have a question. When I swing to the top my backside moves towards the ball and stays in the same position from top and through buy consequently I’m stood up a little more. I do it on the practice swing too although not quite as much…

Shawn Clement

This happens when you default to the ball; when sending divots or grass clippings with your walk as in this video, do you do it there too? Practice what is in here and you will see that you need to squat down more in the downswing to collect the grass before you release it into the direction of the target!

Matt Hunt

I don’t during the drill although I had a range session today and I’m starting to think hitting balls is not good for me in practice- I keep defaulting to the ball. There has been an Improvement in my ball striking so it must’ve improved somewhat as when I freeze frame the video my hips are more clear than prior to your teachings but I’m still crowding the ball more than I’d like – is just keep doing the drill until it bleeds into my game? Practice swing is great…

Shawn Clement

Next would be to take this task and combine it in the “stick your finish despite the ball” series; when you realize that the ball can’t stop you from performing your task, you will then evolve more rapidly! 😀👍

amarjot Bedi

Hi, been doing this daily due to monsoons here in india my course’s fairways are like rough.
What changed in Sav’s swing from taking out deep divots and then thin to perfect divots. Was it effort that made her take deep divots?

Shawn Clement

Deep divots has less access to target; too much resistance; as you get better at delivering through the ball and towards the target, the divots get more streamlined

Ron Dziuk

This is fantastic! Is there a way to do this on a mat? I’m indoors for the next few months.

Philip Peek

I’m hitting thin socks imagining that they are perfect divots. We shall see once it warms a bit :-).

Andrea Ferriello

Fantastic!With the driver can we do the same thing but brushing the grass?

Shawn Clement

For sure! You are sending tee tips with driver!

Brian O'Hara

Hi Shawn, refreshing my divot skills on range with spring golf. I am confused by the fact that the deepest part of the divot is forward of the bottom of the swing which is under that sternal notch. I can’t wrap my head around this and feel like I am lunging a bit forward to try to get that nice divot ahead of the ball like you do. Any thoughts, drills (on grass or mat) to help?

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