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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Rodney Heard

You have really been helping me out a lot with my swingI On everything but the driver. I hit my 3 wood farther then my driver. I can consistently hit my 3 wood 235-240 in the air. I can’t hit my driver straight or with any more distance then I hit my 3 wood. I keep leaving it out right. When I video tape it doesn’t show me turning my wrist over on my driver. I leave it out right and slice way to often. Should I close my driver face like I do my irons?

Last edited 2 years ago by Rodney Heard

You’re a few years too young to be an original Beatles fan but “let it be” is forever the best way of life and golf! Gravity is our best friend!

Jeremy Moody

I feel the practice swing off the ground beside the ball is to feel the kinetic chain replicating the size and direction of the swing. After that I can slide in to the ball and lower the club to the correct height that allows the dandilion cut. The challenge is to ingrain the belief that I do not have to hit the ball but rather let the process throw the club out to the target…


when I feel on the forward swing that my hands are low and closer to my body I am able to stay more in sequence……does that sound right or is that something I should not think about?


I have the almost same question…I noticed in your swing sequence at the 11:03 mark your hands just fall back to their original low & hanging below the shoulder position. When I do this it works well with the driver most of the time, however, my miss turns into a pull hook. I think for a long time when I tried to throw the club into the draw throw, I was throwing my hands out instead of letting them fall back and release. So my normal driver was a fade with an occasional pull and my miss was a slice with a wipe across the ball feel….So my question is, does the feeling of letting the hands fall to this lower position instead of throwing them out explain what I’m seeing now with my new lower/closer hands feel?

Christian Prior

Great video Shawn! I was wondering, what are your thoughts on whether or not we should take a divot during our practise swing? I feel like I sometimes need to feel that sensation so I don’t hit the ball thin, but at the same time I feel bad about tearing up the fairway/tee box. Obviously I replace divots when I can but…. sometimes the divots explode 😂


There is a nice video that Shawn did about actually taking divot with a back and forth swing drill. You might want to watch it… And practice somewhere you can take divot without upsetting anyone. And I would avoid taking divot on purpose on a tee box, if you don’t want the green keeper to put a contract on your head 🙂
Also you have to take in account that with the same exact full swing that just clip the grass on the practice swing, with the impact on the ball, the club face will be slightly deflected down and will take a thin divot.

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