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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Edmund Butler

Hi Shawn – love these videos. Question with the driver, when I complete the backswing, I feel my body and my hands, arms are right on top of the ball thus preventing me from seeing how I can accurately throw the club in the target direction. I only have this feeling with the driver. Does that mean I am not rotating enough away from the ball on the backswing?

Edmund Butler

Hi Shawn – watched the videos and a video of Keegan Bradley’s swing and you were spot on. I was standing too tall with driver, and fairway woods, Setting and maintaining the correct posture gives me a clear lane to throw to my target. Thank you.

Shawn Clement


Jason Tolbert

This may have just answered my question about not being able to see the ball , aka seeing how to accurately throw the club in the direction, that I asked about on another video. Eureka, I will have to try this in the future. I was having this issue with all my clubs as I moved to over to the WIG system. For me and my build, I think it is more of a Ryan Fox look at setup that I need to achieve.


Shawn – you talk about your downswing feel with the driver, more horizontal and flat. How does your backswing feel? Is it more flat too with a driver?


Great video! This is exactly what I need for the driver. I am going to set up a daily workout that includes the three tee drill. Can we get a close up on the height and distance between the tees. I believe this will help my driver issue of hitting the ground behind the driver.


I have a quick question about the hammer throw and the driver. I noticed when the lady Olympian releases the hammer, she seems to be pulling back against the pull of the weight of the hammer. Kind of like when you spin around with a pale of water and use centrifugal force to keep the water in the bucket, you are not straining to pull against the bucket you are just matching the force tugging at your shoulder sockets. Is that the right kind of tugging feel you have when hitting a driver and is your response to that feel a pull back matching the pull from the weight of the club to keep the club head on the track you mentioned with the 3 tees?


I have been watching you for awhile, and getting better, but this summer the combo of, throwing the club, diagonal up and this hammer throw — along with you intermediate point idea, has me hitting my clubs further than ever with little effort (when I do it right). My 9 iron is now my 140 club. My 8 iron goes 155. At the range today the flag is 250 UPHILL and I was flying it IN THE AIR easily. It’s nuts. I have had to club back at least one and sometimes two clubs on all my shots. You are are doing it right. Keep it up sir.


Hi, please name these “combo” videos. thnx V.

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