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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Hi Shawn, first of all I have been a premium subscriber for a couple of months now and I can say that the stronger grip and throwing the club has really made a big difference in my ball striking. My question is my bad swing with an iron usually results in a pull to the left. With the driver it is usually a snap hook on about every hole which is disastrous to my game. I just got home from a week in Traverse City, Mi and started a round with two snap hooks on the first two holes which resulted in two triple bogeys (ouch). So out of desperation I weakened my grip and started ripping my drives down the middle of the fairway. When I say weakened my grip I mean my left thumb is pretty much on top of the grip with no knuckles showing. Is there a video you can recommend that would help me understand the proper release of the driver with the strong grip. Would love to turn that snap hook into a nice predictable draw.


Gcbaldie I feel your pain, I have struggled with the same problem, mainly with the woods. Hope you have found the solution.
Shawn, would you say that sometimes the pull-hook is the result of turning the shoulders around on the DSW instead of having the right shoulder go under? Seems to me that your Throwing series combined with predicting the height of the shot provides a good solution in that it helps one focus on swinging up to the target instead of around, would you agree? I plan to test this tomorrow.


I have found that soon after one tries throwing these objects their body learns the lesson and applies it to the golf swing if you visualize it correctly. Also I found the “prediction” process a key element. Thanks Doctor Voodoo!

Neal Ward

Hi shawn, So if I want to throw the hammer farther I have to take a bigger squat. Is it the same with the golf clubs when swinging to a target?


The 3 tee drill is really good for visualizing how you want to hit the driver. Why did you put the ball in the middle tee?


What happens if I put it on the 3rd tee farther away from middle of the stance? would that change trajectory or promote a certain ball flight?


Another great video. I really love the slow mos.
Hey sorry to be harping on this, but some times ago you were super pumped about some work out program that Mu did set up for you, and said we would be soon hearing about that. It’s been not far from 7 or 8 month since, and unless I missed something, we haven’t heard anything… Any news on this?

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