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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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The fall, fall really works for me.
Shawn – I am finding if I add a little axtra ‘juice’ to the fall / fall I can hit it much further. By extra juice, I mean through the hitting zone/through the stem. Is this wrong? Should it just be gravity?
The other thing I find amazing is that if I tell myself I need a 9 iron to hit it 150 yds, that’s how far I will hit it. If I tell myself I hit my 9 iron 130 yds, that’s how far I will hit it. Obviously there will be a range of distances, but I really think the body reacts to the potential distance I have if I set it the task of hitting it further.


Hi Shawn,
Just curious if you personally see any difference in your distance or accuracy between thinking “let it fall” vs “throw the club with an effortless whip”. I had been using throw the club but I had a great range session thinking let if fall. Much more consistent flush contact with pulling back the effort level. It worked great with my irons but not so well with the driver as I had the tendency to “drop kick it” along ground before ball contact. Going back to “Throwing the club” with driver seemed to solve that. Does your focus or tasks and thought process change from club to club or day to day and do you see a significant difference in your distance from task to task?

Dave P

Doug Wetzel


Doug Wetzel

I just have the hardest time slowing everything down and letting gravity and the kinetic chain do it’s thing. I find myself always reverting back to swinging the “rag doll”.

Every once in awhile I can get in the “zone” and everything flows nicely but seems like I always revert back to the old arm swing.

I wish the body had a reboot button!

p.s. I find when I can get the kinetic chain started and getting my weight to the front side my ball striking is vastly improved. Most of the time my arms out race the weight shift.

Philip Graves

Hi Doug
Shawn will have better advice than me, but one stage that has helped me is starting from the top of the backswing. Then just doing a tiny up move and hitting the ball. It only works (and helps make sure) if your backswing gets to a properly supported position.
Then, the next stage, is to do a full swing imagining that you’re a lumberjack who has to swing at trees all day (that came straight from Shawn); you have to feel the weight of the axe to use that weight rather than arm the swing. But the first part gives you the feeling – you have to use more kinetic chain because the upswing of the backswing isn’t there.
I hope my experience helps you. This helped me shoot six under my handicap on a course I’d never played before, earlier this week.

Doug Wetzel

Thanks Phil!

Philip Graves

I could never doubt your wisdom, but I find that the walking drill helps at the time because I’m so preoccupied with managing all the moving parts, but doesn’t translate quite as well to the course (or, more likely, I haven’t done enough of it!!).

But before every swing, I told myself “Imagine you have to do this all day; use the weight of axe” and it helped me hit some of the best iron shots I’ve ever hit. I think when you’ve played other sports where muscling the ball is less obviously derailing, it’s a hard habit to break.


Happy Eagle member here – Since joining, I’ve gained 2 clubs in distance. Last week, I shot 2 over on my home course. Thanks Shawn!

Using our “walk in the park“ PMD swing, I can drive it around 240 yards (~102 mph swing speed). How can I get more? I want to hit it 295 yards like you!
Here are 3 specific techniques that have increased my distance:
⁃ a more pronounced squat that initiates the downswing
⁃ a harder leg push off the ground that throws the club to the target
⁃ using my arms and wrist more to “throw the club to the target”

Or maybe I need a combination of the three? Thanks!


Thank you Shawn! I am consistently 1 to 2 clubs longer this season after really understanding how to use the kinetic chain. Used to hit 7 from 150 now I feel like I can hit 9 sometimes! 👍

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