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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Hi Shawn –
I struggle with my driver horribly. I typically shoot 87-89, but I lose a log of stroke off the tee. I have a typical amateur slice, which I am here to correct 🙂 That’s not my reason for this comment though. With that, I have a steep swing with the driver as well that is not on plane. I want to improve my swing plane, but also I want to know the cause of my biggest issue with driver. I often hit very low screamers. Sometimes, these tee shots skip off the tee box, which tells me I am hitting in with a descending blow. I can still hit the ball very far, but I have to be losing a lot of distance since this thing is like a rock skipping over water. I sometimes take a divot with my driver too. I just want to revamp my swing and find the best video to start with. This video was great, but is more about strategy and how to achieve certain things. I am needing more basic and how to improve plane and ball striking. Wow that’s a lot to work on haha. I’d love to never see a divot on the tee box or a mark where my ball has went leaving a rooster tail across.


Hi Shawn, first off all thanks for your instruction. I’am a big fan off how you are giving out the message!

When you are adressing the ball with your driver it looks like you are “delofting” the club? I.e if you should put the club on the ground you would have som space between the back of the driver and the ground?

Thanks again


Shawn I hit my Driver about 240 yards. All I did except a good set up, Posture and grip was, A Slow Back Swing and Release + Feel the Club Head Swing Towards the Target. I talked to you about a week ago and took your advice and joined this Premium Channel. I am 74 and that is one of the best shots in 12 years. Thanks so much for your advice. Please reply.


Thanks for all you do. If you ever get close to Maryland ( close 100 miles ) please e-mail me at
[email protected] Love to meet you in person and take a lesson. Take Care.


Hi Shawn: how much is your hip bumped towards the target at address, is it all the way? From the top, do you give it a huge leg drive on the downswing? I did try copying what I think you are doing at the range today and I did pick up a little speed and distance; but not 280 carry yet, best was 265. Still working on the club-throw release. Thanks, T.


Hi Shawn: how much is your hip bumped towards the target at address, is it all the way? From the top, do you give it a huge leg drive on the downswing? I did try copying what I think you are doing at the range today and I did pick up a little speed and distance; but not 280 carry yet, best was 265. Still working on the club-throw release. Thanks, T.

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