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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Phuong D

This is just the video I needed after our session in Carlsbad! Thank you for bringing my awareness to this, I was really able to feel myself losing balance forward during my practice session today. I think I just need more practice with this “anchoring the head for the release” feel and I bet I’ll get a lot more consistent/effortless power!

Shawn Clement

You bet Phuong! This is a good one! Make sure you combine with “alignment reload”, “blur of club” and the “arc blur unstoppable momentum series’ It was so awesome to meet you; that was a lot of fun!!😀👍

Phuong D

Likewise! Thanks for the opportunity, I had an amazing time!


Does the tilted, spiral come into play when putting?

Shawn Clement

No, not for putting or chipping; you can brace against the lead side but you don’t want to pre-turn

Matthew Costello

Is it fair to say feeling the right foot anchored as long as possible and feeling like the club releases that foot is a good way to stay in posture Shawn? I tend to let that heel up early into a little EE at times.

Shawn Clement

Yes, especially feel the left hip come back and away from the target while keeping the squat and then letting the release snap the head up and into the finish. You don’t want to feel a loss of posture and a hang back.

Andrea Ferriello

An important question for me. I notice that if I keep my hands a little heavy at the moment of impact the swing may be slower but I have the feeling of a good compressed impact. And something to work on or rather be very loose?

Shawn Clement

Yes! Good tone through grip and arms to compress the juice out of the ball into the flight plan!

Larry Ferguson

Hi Shawn I hear in your videos on YouTube that when you set up for a golf shot feel the suction cups in your feet . And I use even more suction on the downswing and my swing speed improves 10 percent. But taken film .of my swing looks a retrictve follow through even though I’m concentrating on path to go through and club path through Acu-strike shows the right path. When I use my legs this way my hips are not moving out of the way

I’ll take the improve speed for tomorrow’s golf thanks Shawn

Last edited 3 years ago by Larry Ferguson
Shawn Clement

Hi Larry! As long as you stay with your task, like for example “throwing the club”, your hips will move out of the way; but if you are focusing on the feet or staying down with the right side, then the hips will stall. Combine this video with the “throwing the club” video and it will fall into place much better!

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