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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Gene Czaplinsky

Shawn, what a great video! I’ve always had problems with the weight shift. In using my kettle bell, I realized how this drill almost forces me to drop the weight down and to stay under my shoulders, which keeps my right shoulder in place instead of over the top. I notice that to ignite the kinetic chain, you appear to stay centered over the ball. Is this correct? Lastly, I am tall with long legs but very thin feet, which makes it harder to land on my left heel when the weight shifts. Any recommendation?

Shawn Clement

Hey Gene! You and your feet are not defective! 😝😝
you simply have not locked in on the feel yet; please see an all important series called the “kinetic chain facilitation series” and the “stick your finish despite the ball series”


Currently don’t have a kettlebell. Could something similar be achieved with a dumbbell held vertically?


This worked really well for me with my irons. I just imagined I had the Kettle bell in my hands instead of the golf club and proceeded to break door frames, it was that easy! Could you talk about the adjustment for driver? At first I was struggling but then I thought to imagine the Kettle bell out away from me a bit more to simulate the longer club.

Shawn Clement

Yes, that would be the way to look at it for sure; just like in the throwing series, we compare the wedge throw to a short stop to first base submarine throw and the driver throw to a hammer throw in track and field!


Shawn, something really clicked on this video for me. I know we’ve talked about the door frame a ton before, but as I now focussed on swinging square into the doorframe, like driving a nail straight in with my hammer, I got amazing results. It helped me get my hands all the way through before the club release into the door frame. I shot 43 on the front (with still some erroneous shots), but shot 37 on the back. If I can keep this up, I should be able to consistently score under 80. Thanks!

Eric LUC

Hello Shawn, great one again, thanks!
When you target a short distance, we can see and feel you are using gently the weight of the arm-club unit. But on your first shots, you are really snapping the club, and I feel you are accelerating the club with the arm. Is it a false impression ? No change in the way you let the club fall in both shots?

Shawn Clement

This is the cool part of the kinetic chain engagement; see “kinetic chain facilitation series” #6 where I fling divot peels into the bush while walking; I AM REACTING TO THE TASK! 👍😀
This is why task is always king! The tone of the body and the engagement of the kinetic chain reacts to that task and the way you want to deliver through it.

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