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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Hi Shaun,
Wife has had her first lesson at 64 years of age. Her coach has given her a neutral grip. Should I intervene and advocate a strong grip?

Shawn Clement

Hi Philip! Was she hitting the ball to the right? Was the teacher showing her positions?

Paul Hickin

HelloShawn, enjoying the content and your enthusiasm. The “hit” mentality has always been a challenge for me. First understanding that is what I do and then working on it. My original breakthrough on this was with George Knudson’s book “The Natural Swing” which I find has similar components to yours. What you have been able to do is make sense of it in a way that translates. Now if I can just take it onto the course … Bring on the season ! Thank-You

Shawn Clement

Hey Paul! What you want to do is make the range and the golf course the very same! Did you receive the email I sent out to the premium members on the routine?

Barbro Nilsson

So good as always. I have a question about target though. I set up and try to deliver the club in the direction I want the ball to start – having the end target in mind?. Hmm with chip shots I have the landing spot as my target. For longer shots I am a bit confused. On the fairway – still landing spot – or end target. Into the green I pick a landing spot – not the hole.
The funny thing – this is what I always “teach” my talented fellow golfers. I always say to them – Don´t worry about positions. You have the talent. What is your target? – Go there! Your body will lead you there. However I never thought this could occur to me as well LOL. Thank you Shawn.

Shawn Clement

Great question!
Best combination while swinging is to deliver the task in the direction of where you want the ball to start (you already did your homework with end target and flight plan of course before hand so you already have the feel for the delivery) through the intermediate point and continue the swing until it’s fully parked in the stacked finish. Then the elements have controls.

Barbro Nilsson

thank you, I think you mean to say that the landing point (whatever shot) is the point I should keep in mind during the swing and not the end target.

Yann Gauthier

My god… 325y with driver with ease… This is awesome!!!

I’ve been practicing my kinetic chain yesterday and seeing great progress. Practicing is now so much fun when you have a clear task and understanding of your swing.
2022 season starting tomorrow. 😉


Shawn Clement

Enjoy the day Yann! 👍😀

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