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Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Scott Heath

Another favorited video, Shawn! Everytime I find an icing on the cake video, you cut us another piece. 😉 Grip strength, ball position, tilt….all knobs to adjust to achieve the flight plan!

Shawn Clement

Right on! Thank you for the feedback Scott!

Lyle Goodman

I’ve been working on my braced tilt. This was a great video for me to reinforce the concept of maintaining the tilt throughout the swing. I am confused about the position of the sternal notch. It was my understanding that the low point in the swing is below the sternal notch. I have been trying to set my tilt and keep my sternal notch in front of the ball for iron shots. From what I can see in the video the sternal notch is actually set behind the ball and kept there throughout the swing?

Shawn Clement

Don’t try to place the sternal notch; use the blur of club and the low point of the blur to see where the low point is when you deliver your throw through ball and intermediate point or through the 2 tee drill. This will place the sternal notch in the right place.

Jeremy Moody

Subtle in some ways is tilt vs tilt with the balancing butt rotation. If I’m not in sync at setup, I can tilt without that rotation and then get stuck behind the sternal notch/ midpoint and thin the ball strike. I find balanced tilt with butt rotation, slow backswing to allow for nice transition and engage the ground with the front foot and then ball grass dirt…or sweep with the woods..thanks

Shawn Clement

Good stuff! Keep me posted!

Donald Moir

Fairway wood ball position with Mu: this video gives the clearest demonstration of that difference for fade vs neutral vs draw intent. Helpful. From other videos on the topic, in setting up for draw with FW, following the instructions, I’ve usually ended up feeling that the ball position was a hair too far back — but it’s subtle — maybe a 1/2 ball width. Finding the fade position comes easier for me with this club (3w; 15 degrees).


Hi Shawn, Any chance, now that you all are indoors for the winter, that you guys can put the dots on your clubs so we can see club head speed and club head angle at contact? You are so precise and I very between 5 and 10 degrees. I’d like to better understand what you are consistently hitting. Thx.

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