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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Lance Dirk

Hi Shawn

One tendency i have a hard time fighting is over extending my arms in the down swing. Hard to explain but basically my arms are swinging out beyond the ball, which makes me have to compensate at the last minute to get the head back to the ball. This causes a hard draw, in to out path but but over closing the face.

Any pointers on getting the arms to fall closer to my body?

Shawn Clement

When you are standing over the ball, just before you swing, what are you focused on?

Lance Dirk

The flagstick or fairway or wherever I’m trying to send the ball. I just have a hard time with reaching out to far with my arms in the swing. I just watched another video about arms but still working on finding a drill for arms coming more down and not out. Kettle bell os helping but could use more direction.

Once the MLM2Pro comes out I’m planning on hitting you up for some online lessons. Just want to have something with data to present to you.

Barbro Nilsson

Great video as always. I have a question about the grip which I haven´t been able to figure out yet. I look at your videos and it seems as if the clubface is pointing in the direction you want the ball to start.(draw – a little bit open) Shall I first take the grip (normal grip closed face? or strong grip just a bit closed) and then aim the clubface in the direction I want the ball to start – never adjusting the grip afterwards – I´ve seen Horsel do that – but he is an exemption.

Usually I see players aim the clubface first and then take the grip.

I am confused where to start. Aim the clubface and then take the grip feels strange to me. I feel I have to manipulate to get the clubface closed (looks like I aming to the left) and then adjust the body (tilt) which will provide the strong grip (tiny open face look).

I usually stand behind the ball and chose my target and visualize ball flight – at that point I am also closing the face a bit (differ from club to club???) Then I align my body without changing the grip. I often think – is this the right way to do it? Not so good to have that thought coming into my mind at that point.

Barbro Nilsson

Thank you.

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