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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Jason Tolbert

During the backswing is it normal to lose vision of the ball and the intended path over the intermediate point? My lead arm and shoulder block my view during the levitation of the backswing.

Jason Tolbert

I do see the blur during backswings and follow throughs of the pmd. I only seem to lose sight of my intended path, briefly, at the top of the backswing once I introduce a ball. Could this be a product of overswinging?

Jason Tolbert

My initial swing thought is to throw the club backwards in a direction that will match where I want to send the ball over the intermediate point. I’m also focused on being centered because I struggled with sliding back in the backswing.


I had not seen this video before now. I have been trying everything to get my swing more in to out and notice its hard to get my hands up past my shoulders when I am trying to swing around my body. limited flexibility in the rotator areaI guess.
I see that at the top of the backswing your hands and club are more straight above your shoulders. I assume you draw the ball from that position. I can get my hands higher by doing your move and impact seems very good. My question is how you draw the ball from that position? Seems to me that position at the topwould promote a very steep down swing. What am I missing?


Hi Shawn,
Love your instruction as always because it remains consistent throughout your teaching.
Shawn, you have to talk about Rapsodo. That is the neatest piece of tech I have seen in a long while. Similar tech to that I know cost $5K-$10K. So my question is, what is the cost do you like it and is it worth it?

Thanks Shawn!

Shawn Clement

If you are using it outdoors, it is terrific! It becomes much less effective indoors however and looses several of it’s features. Terrific deal for the price!

A Tyagi

Hi Shawn,

I’m a 6 and a physician and having a dramatic improvement following your task/biomechanic philosophy.

I have a consistent error of getting steep through transition and then saving through impact. Exhausting way to to play!

I have recently adopted tucking the right elbow on the takeaway and creating a feeling of a “closed kinetic movement” with my arms. It feels like I can fire with my body and capture centrifugal force because my arms are just levers unloading the energy. Plus, I am confident getting back to ball because it feels like a closed kinetic movement with clubhead geared to return to starting position.

Finally the question: is there a downside to having right elbow “too tucked” or elbows too close together? Otherwise, I’m just gonna keep exploring this motion since it makes swing effortless.


While watching one of your videos on YouTube as usual I am bombarded by advertisements that I usually delete immediately. This one was about a 1 plane swing like moe Norman, which Bryson DeChambeau seems to have adopted. I have been struggling with consistent contact from round to round so I watched a few of the videos on the single plane swing and proceeded to try it out at the range. My contact was great and it seems easier than adapting to different swing planes for different clubs. I will never stray from having a task, intermediate point, and flight plan and I truly believe that you are a golf genius. I proceeded to go to my local GOLFTEC and compare my conventional and 1 plane swings and my consistency and swing speeds were better using the single plane swing. I know that you have videos about Moe that I have watched, but, you have not advocated the single plane swing. Can I adopt a single plane swing while still employing your principles or am I straying into dangerous ground. If you do think that it is reasonable,especially since Bryson seems to be having success adopting it, it would be great having a video explaining your thoughts. Thank you for your response. Wisdom for Life!

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