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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Mark Cohn

Love the drone views. Really helps! Keep them up please.

Jukka Kymalainen

Nice camera angles! What do think about this ” shallowing move” like Sercio Carcia or Cameron Champ. In the dowswing they shallow under the plane to get that water skier slingshot effect. Is it maybe same feel like club throwing?

Shawn Clement

Hi Jukka! This is a move that happened when they were very young; and yes, like you say, when you through the club, you engage the kinetic chain and this is what gives the “arm-club-unit” the extra load on the downswing that results in that nice snap in the direction of the target.


Drone shots triggered a question about setup. As you get behind the ball to create a draw, you adjust your grip by closing the club face. As you move the ball farther back in your stance to produce a draw with a lower trajectory, do you have to close the club face even more?

Shawn Clement

No, the closing of the face before I take the grip is in relation to my prediction that I give myself just before I deliver the shot! See “goldie locks series” and “predict contact”
very important!


The drone shots are amazing at the end. I have a question as someone who sometimes over swings, you talk about matches/no longer matches as you move your club. I’m assuming it is your swing plane/ability to go to the target that matches/no longer matches. Does not also your view of the ball and the access you sense change when you get off the plane?

Without a drone over my head to understand what is going on, I’m trying to figure out some guide to tell me if I’ve over reached on my back swing. Usually I’m getting a little rushed and don’t really sense well when to pause/transition to the make the downswing. In other words it is more that I tell myself to not rush to reduce the amount of back swing versus confirmation that I’ve turned far enough and going beyond will cause problems. This video shows me that using some kind of mile marker like the change of view would be a better approach. Maybe put a mark on the ball and when I can’t see it I’ve gone too far? any suggestions?

Jon R

One of your best videos ever. Tied in a lot of previous concepts. Terrific stuff.

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